Woke up treating my arm as gingerly as ever. Did a few things around the house & realized it wasn't hurting. Tried moving my arm, and I can raise it a couple inches and also reach out away from my body. - Starmama
I can also make a real fist again. That should help with the annoying dropping of stuff for no reason. - Starmama
And this is probably why I slept almost seven hours without waking up. I feel GREAT this morning! - Starmama
Haha I'm juicing now I guess - Starmama
Did the back acne, roid rage and testicular shrinkage kick in yet? - Todd
Not yet but I'm thinking of hanging some steel testicles on the minivan. That means they're working, right? - Starmama
Only if the van is growing hair on the roof and the paint is cracking. If the roofline is jutting out in the front, it's also a sign that the roids are working. - Todd