Today is the day the new owner told me that he wants to move into our unit. He never gave me anything in writing like I've asked him several times. I don't even know the man's last name. He came by the other day talking about his family is moving out of their apartment and they need us gone.
I don't know if it's the language barrier or if he's on some macho shit, but when I try to talk to him he ends up walking away saying "I can't talk to you" motherfucker you not even trying. - Starmama
Also, your family has nowhere to stay? You're buying property and I'm supposed to feel bad for y'all? I will leave when I find a place or the sheriff comes. And the sheriff ain't coming until after shit goes to court. So he would want to get on that paperwork because a verbal agreement - one I asked for in writing but never got - ain't moving me. - Starmama
That dude sounds like a true prick. I hate dudes like that. - Anika
there is a particular type of Latino male who seems to hate women speaking with them as equals. He is one of those. He makes a statement and if I have any response other than "okay" he talks down to me, raises his voice, walks away instead of responding. I absolutely HATE that shit. - Starmama
That creep was really hoping you'd go quietly and that it wouldn't cost him anything. So he's a prick and he's stupid. - vicster.
YEP. - Starmama
Oh man, I deal with men like that all the time. Takes every bit of discipline I have to not call them Mr. Flintstone. - vicster.
Doesn't matter, he don't strike me as able to catch subtle barbs like that anyway :D - Starmama
At least in this case his attitude is working in your favor. =) - The Other Yvonne
Good for you - wait for paperwork make him file and go through legal hoops. There may well be a good reason why he is not in love with the legal filing method. Sorry you have to deal with this Be well - WarLord
I know where I live, you do not even have to acknowledge that he asked you to move until he sends you that notification in writing, by certified mail. If he has not sent it, he has not notified you, and there is no way in hell that he can ever prove to a court that he has notified you or when. And when he does send it, don't know about where you are, but where I live, if he intends to sell the property or move into the apartment himself, and that is his reason for making you move out, he has to give you 6 months from the date you sign for the receipt of his notification letter, to move. The clock doesn't start ticking till you sign for it. I don't know what the legal length of time where you live would be, but I am guessing it would most likely be no less than 90 days. - April Russo (FForever!)
If he takes me to court I will get at minimum 90 days because I'm disabled. As far as details about what's in the laws, I'll find all that out once I have paperwork in my hands, and can go to Just Cause or the Law Center for assistance. - Starmama
this mfer is on my list now. wtf, hell no, let me tell you where you can put that machismo nonsense, come mierda - t-ra: sentimental gorgon
jajaja - Starmama