Packed up the bookshelves, and the towering pile of books in my room. Took them & some other stuff to the storage space; my neighbor's boyfriend helped. He asked me "who packed this up? You?" which I thought was kinda odd.
Jan 10, 2015
Steven Perez,
Jenny H.,
LB ❤s FF, esp. YOU,
Melly #FForever,
Andrew C (✔),
Anne Bouey,
John (bird whisperer),
Jennifer Dittrich,
The Other Yvonne,
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Then at the storage, I was showing him where to put the books, and where to put the fragile boxes, and told him a lil bit about how I plan on filling up the storage
- Starmama
He said he used to work for a moving company, and my stuff looked like pros had packed it. And he was impressed with my plans for safely fitting everything in the storage.
- Starmama
And he said the worst part about moving clients who packed their own stuff was how many of them packed books in big boxes.
- Starmama
Man, I only made that mistake /once/. Ugh. My arms hurt just thinking about it.
- Jennifer Dittrich
I needed to hear that because I feel like everything's so chaotic & it's good to know I'm doing something right :-)
- Starmama
I'm so glad you had the help - and the boost! :D
- Jennifer Dittrich
Ha my ex thought he was helping with our move & packed up a bunch of stuff while I was at work. He'd put almost all my books in one giant box and was hella butthurt when I read him the riot act, lmao.
- Starmama
And friends who bring you boxes, who also love books, bring you plenty of the perfect size. And I didn't even have to relabel them <3
- Starmama
LOL! When I moved from Fremont to Manteca, I specifically looked for boxes labeled that I could re-use.....because LAZY!
- Mary Carmen
- Starmama
Yay! So glad you're making progress!
- The Other Yvonne