I found a strain of weed that is cultivated for CBD (cannabinoids) over THC. It doesn't get me high but it helps with the pain, most especially the nerve pain in my abdomen area and also seems to ease the shoulder pain.
This strain is less than half the $$ of regular weed and by my clumsy calculations, looks like a month's worth would cost just a bit more than a big bottle of name brand Tylenol or Motrin, which are harsh on my renal system. - Starmama
Sounds like a viable alternative. You going for it? - MoTO Boychick Devil
I got a pre-rolled joint to try it. past few days, have smoked a bit early each day before activity. I've noticed some relief, so on payday I plan to buy some more. I'm also going to look into oral preparations of this & similar strains; usually oral/edibles have too much of a high for daytime use, but this stuff might be perfect for that. - Starmama
There's a girl, Alexis Bortell, here in Texas who's taking that for her epileptic seizures. - Greg GuitarBuster
Good deal, Mandy. Hope it works. - MoTO Boychick Devil
In my Crohn's group on FB, one of us steeps hers in her tea rather than smokes. - WarLord
I found CBD chocolate bars and a no-added-sugar CBD carrot cake. I might try the chocolate. And the place that has it is just around a few corners from here. All this time I been driving past the place didn't know it was there. - Starmama