I've been in love with Prince since like 1979. Back then he was rocking that fluffy blowout natural. Just adorable. These days, in middle age, I'm loving his afro, and I think he looks better than ever. Love seeing the pix from last nite. He's still so pretty!
You and my friend Robin could talk forever about Prince! =) - The Other Yvonne
3 words Little Red Corvette - WarLord
God, my sister listened to his albums over and over and over and over and over and over again. - Todd Hoff
As did I. Memorized every note of every song. Posters and drawings of him were all over my room. I had a Levi's jacket I stuck about a dozen Prince pins on, every time the record store got a new pin in stock I snatched it up. - Starmama
What's not to love? My go to when I need cheering up. - Laura Norvig
<3 - Starmama
"Will you accept my tears to pay the fare?" - MoTO Boychick Devil