My friend who took Daisy has an upstairs neighbor who's living there on false pretenses under her mother's section 8. The owner has conflict with her, the other tenants don't like her. Andrea thinks she will be put out soon and is telling the owner wonderful things about me :-)
It's walking distance to Angie's house, and the elementary me Angie & Andrea all went to in kindergarten & 1st grade - Starmama
*crosses fingers* - Kirsten loves you
OMG, Yes, Yes, Yes ... praying for you ... does the owner know about these false pretenses? (Not suggesting the bad karma of ratting someone out but honestly, she is taking spots away from awesome families like yours.) - Laura Norvig
I'm not sure what he knows of it but I have a feeling Andrea is ready to snitch lol. I agree that it isn't fair when I've complied with everything required of me while this chick & her mom are getting over. - Starmama
fingers crossed! - Anne Bouey
That would be super cool! - SAM
!!! *positive path vibes* - AHnix (Anna Haro)