The consensus among most of my friends is, they love their kids more than I love my kid, because they would have already taken the dogs to a shelter and gotten an apt. I'm stupid for choosing dogs over my son.
Thing is, nobody understands the disappointment I have as a mother. Jayden is going nowhere fast and I don't know if there's ever going to be something I can take pride in that isn't a milestone he should've hit by 11. I get far more joy, comfort, and companionship from the dogs than I do from my kid. So if I do throw my dogs away? I'd be getting rid of the only good part of my life. - Starmama
I have the hardest time with people who don't understand what sort of companionship animals can provide, especially when you're going through rough times. I'm cool with people who don't feel that themselves, because to each their own, but you'd think they could stretch at least a little empathy. - Jennifer Dittrich
Some of those friends have slept in my home with their children when they had nowhere to stay. Many of them would leave their kids with me, years before I became a mother, so they could go party at the club, because I was the only one with a job & I often stayed home on weekend nights when I had to work the next day. They're people who ought to know where my priorities are & it really hurts that they're discussing me being irresponsible and stupid. - Starmama
Imma keep this real simple: fuck them. You do what you need to do. If they are too selfish to see past their situations and have some understanding of yours, then they can go fuck themselves. - Mary Carmen
^^^ This. - bentley
ouch. gotdambit when people disappoint you at the worst possible time. but yeah, what MC said. *hugs with one arm; flips bird to the world with the other* - t-ra: sentimental gorgon
What MC said. Also, **hugs** - Kirsten loves you
What everyone else said, and... Exactly how are THEY helping? - The Other Yvonne
MC said what I was thinking. *hugs* - vicster.