"If you don't want minimum wage, don't have minimum skills" My best friend's daughter has become every looks-obsessed, money-over-everything, Trump & Giuliani admiring millennial that I just despise. I keep tellin myself it's because her mama wasn't alive to raise her so I haven't unfollowed her yet. But yuck.
to that i say: what about the ppl with "maximal" skills who are still working shit jobs? lemme guess. - Big Joe Silenced
The way she & some of her friends talk about people who work in restaurants makes me hope they get spit or boogers in their food. - Starmama
What about the people with college degrees and still flipping burgers in McDonalds? - April Russo (FForever!)
She should be sentenced to go through her life without ever getting a good or service produced by someone with "minimal skills". She'll starve and freeze to death. - Spidra Webster
There are reasons some animals eat their young. - CW
This makes me crazy. Skills don't define humanity or value or worthiness for respect and in this system, no matter how educated or intelligent or hard-working or whatever people are, someone still has to be on the bottom rung for the whole house of cards to exist. - joey - team everyone
If every minimum wage worker in the country went on strike, simultaneously, this country would come to a screeching halt. Perhaps that is what is needed for everyone to finally understand just how much they depend on them, just how valuable they are. - April Russo (FForever!)
^yeah, but that's what maintaining high unemployment rates are for: to keep the working poor scared. - Andrew C (see frenf.it)
What joey said. You haven't walked in anyone else's shoes so you don't know the skill set of the kitchen dishwasher or landscaper or janitor. Everyone deserves respect and recognition regardless of what they do for a living. Basic humanity, people. Sheesh. - Jenny H.
Sounds like someone needs a sturdy dose of how the Other lives - Mo Kargas
Damn. Co-sign all of the above. That shit is vile. - AHnix (Anna Haro)
She is very young and very beautiful. I love her. I watched her birth. I didn't even see my own children be born. Her mom died when she was 8 and her grandma whisked the kids away to Shasta county & I didn't see any of them again until they were grown. Samantha died in a fire in Alameda but her mom blamed Oakland for her death (many of us believe her husband had something to do with the fire, but even he's from SF, not Oakland). So the kids were not allowed to travel here even to visit their fathers' families. Soon as they turned 18, each kid moved to Oceanside to live with Samantha's sister. K started modeling, selling Herbalife, and became addicted to the gym. I've been so proud of what she and her brothers have accomplished, but in the last few years the things they talk about on FB have gotten more and more tea partyish. Which means much of it is hateful and offensive. - Starmama
I told K some things about her mom after she wrote something about food stamp & MediCal recipients being drug tested. How she & her brothers would have been homeless, hungry, sick, if their mom had not had help from food stamps, MediCal, or subsidized housing. And their mom worked! At unskilled, low wage jobs! And she would have been deeply offended if she'd been made to test for drugs. But she never responded to that. - Starmama
Maybe life will give her some personal experience that will result in some empathy? I hope so, but some folks, no matter how grown or seasoned, never get it. All that misdirected anger and vitriol. It's just sad. - AHnix (Anna Haro)
I hope that does happen for her, Anna. I deeply wish that if it does, it's a gentle reminder, an epiphany that comes from age and experience. I would hate for her to experience a trauma or crisis that gives her a different perspective. But life is cruel, more often than not. - Starmama
my experience with young people is this kind of ignorance is often a deep fear of their own failure. for their egos to manage, they need to believe "other" people are fundamentally different from them so that the same fate could never befall them simply because they "aren't like that." it is truly sad. and absurd. but my own adolescence and early twenties were sad and absurd, albeit differently. hopefully someday they won't need to be desperately different, and can focus more on how we're all the same. - t-ra: sentimental gorgon
also: travel. this young woman needs to get out of her comfort zone and see the world. - t-ra: sentimental gorgon