Didn't do a cheers pic because I missed the decision to change the day. Also I have been neglecting my appearance and avoiding cameras. And my glassware's all packed. But I'm looking at all y'all photos and I just love you guys. So here's a toast to the boogie! #CheersFF Parliament - Theme from the Black Hole: https://youtu.be/d1RitkbEMLo
Anytime before the end works, Mandy. <3 - Anne Bouey
Don't feel bad, I missed the magical announcement that it had been changed as well. - Hookuh Tinypants
You can do it anytime before the end - I did mine yesterday since I was out at a sounders match with a beer and it seemed appropriate. Time zones and workdays mean it's difficult to catch everyone on just one day :) - Jennifer Dittrich
It wasn't a hard and fast decision - at least I didn't interpret it that way. Truth is I was afraid if I waited until the 8th that I'd be hard pressed to not cry in any photos. :-/ - Corinne L
yeah the crying I'm doing anyway isn't giving me photogenic opportunities. - Starmama
**hugs you both tight** - Jennifer Dittrich
There was a bit of discussion in a thread is all, Helen wondered if this weekend would work for people. So some people have. But whenever or never is all good :) - Pete&#39;s Got To Go