Today at court I was given until June 17 to be out & turn over the keys. I will not have to pay the owner anything if we're out by that date.
He's forbidden from giving a bad reference but since I never had a lease with him I won't be putting him on any applications anyway. - Starmama
He kept trying to badtalk me to the judge. She'd ask him something and he'd say "she's a conflicted woman" (non native English speaker, not sure what he meant there) before answering the question. he said "she won't let me come in to do work" but he's never asked to come in our unit for anything. - Starmama
My attorney was all, "this guy's crazy" and gave me a list of behaviors she wants me to call her about, like he was told to give me 24 hr notice before doing work, she said she's seen people call and schedule back to back to back random jobs, harassing tenants for whole weeks at a time. Other little tactics they're known to try. She said call her immediately if he starts any of it. She actually said "there's something wrong with him". - Starmama
Is this the outcome you were hoping for? - DB, Lil LB's Dad
It's about the best outcome I could've gotten, yes. I still don't have a place to move to, but having 3 more months helps. - Starmama
hmm, I'm trying to figure out what he meant by 'conflicted women.' Maybe 'trouble maker'? I dunno. But, I'm glad you got some more time. And a good attorney. - AHnix (Anna Haro)
Bitchass is about to be doing major sewer work & installing a second driveway. Won't paint the house & give me a lease, but he's about to dig up the street and there's four. 20 ft pipes waiting in the backyard. - Starmama
I was thinking maybe confrontational? But we've only had three conversations. I did tell off Maria's husband - remember her, the realtor & notary? She was there with the owner today - told him he needed to watch what he says to me, when he & his crew did all that mess making around thanksgiving. But this guy wasn't there, he'd only know about that secondhand. The previous owners are friends with Maria and her husband. The new owner is friends with Maria and her husband. I'm the last person to see conspiracies but I swear this whole situation has made me feel...persecuted. Ganged up on. - Starmama
My darling Vicster gave me a ride to court <3 <3 After it was done I bumped into Angie & my nephew, and got a ride home in my nephew's brand new car. Everything worked out and about 48% of my anxiety's gone :-) - Starmama
Glad I was able to help! :-) - vicster.
Glad things are a bit more settled, and you have some time to plan and find somewhere that is going to work for you. <3 - WoH: Professor MOTHRA
I'm going to miss this about FF. FFeeps helping each other. <3 I'm crying. Also, glad things are doing better! - Zulema ❧ spicy cocoa tart
Glad things worked out pretty well considering the circumstances. Wish you the best of luck finding a place you like even more. - SAM
I'm glad you have some more time and I hope you will find a suitable home soon. - Stephan Planken