Spoke with the housing authority director. He sounds sure they will be able to give us another extension based on the court judgement that says I don't have to turn over the keys til mid-June. There is an apartment ready at the end of this month, and the owner seems willing rent to me. No dogs at all, though.
I hope to hear more tomorrow. - Starmama
That sounds really positive, I so hope it works. - Greg GuitarBuster
Praying for good news and a solution for the dogs! - Ell Bee, See?
What LB said. <3 - AHnix (Anna Haro)
Still praying for y'all. - Corinne L
Crossing my fingers and toes for you! I'm sorry about the dogs (such sweet babies!), but I'm glad you have a chance at another extension. - Katy S
Director just called me to tell me her last piece of business for the day was to approve my extension through June 30. - Starmama
I'm glad they're giving you that room to get things settled, even if it still very hard. *hugs* - Jennifer Dittrich
Really hope this will work out well for you all ((hugs)) - WoH: Professor MOTHRA
So glad to hear - MoTO Boychick Devil
I celebrated the extension by sleeping in this morning. Been in such a heightened state of anxiety that actual restful sleep feels like a vacation. - Starmama
girl preach. After a particularly stressful X-country practice, one of Waif's teammates announced "I need to recapture myself." It has entered the house lexicon. This is what I hope to do over the next 5 days. And I wish the same for you. - MoTO Boychick Devil
That kid's a genius! That is exactly what it is. Recapture <3 - Starmama
*Liking* for the good news about your extension, Starmama. :) Barry, "I need to recapture myself" is a most amazing statement. I love waif's teammate. - felicious
So glad to hear of the extension, Mandy. *hugs* - Anne Bouey
What a great post to appear in my full page screenshot to save with the title "Best of Last Day". I am crossing my fingers for you and I hope this will become a trend for you, where you have nothing but good news to share. You deserve it! ::hugs:: - April Russo (FForever!)
:-D - Starmama
Guess I'd better make a start on your stitch then :-) - Heleninstitches #teamff