I once won tickets to see Run DMC, En Vogue, Father MC, and a local rapper that could've been Too $hort, Rappin 4 Tay or Dru Down, in concert at the Galleria in SF. No idea why I can't exactly remember which rapper that was. #SaturdayFF
During En Vogue's set I wandered around a bit and talked a guy into letting me quietly hang out on a gallery where the lights and maybe some of the sound controls were. I was dancing in place and a guy came & stood nearby to watch the show. I glanced over at him, and it was Jam Master Jay!!! I said, "Jay!" and he smiled and said "hey" and we GAVE EACH OTHER DAP. Then the song was over and he disappeared somewhere behind the lights equipment and I ran down two flights of stairs to find my girl Drea on the dance floor to tell her what happened. She was so jealous lol. All the way home from the city we kept saying goddamn that DJ made my day. - Starmama
Wow...I completely forgot about the existence of Father MC. - Anika
lol he was pretty forgettable... - Starmama