I really love you all. The people I've met and the conversations I've had and the odd lil things I've learned have all truly enriched my life.
Even if we don't all end up in the same online space, I hope I get to keep all of y'all just a username away <3 <3 - Starmama
I love you right back, Mandy! <3 - vicster.
Same to you, sugar. - Jenny H.
I really hope I get to meet you one day, Mandy. Your genuineness has always shined. Like a Star. ;) - AHnix (Anna Haro)
Love you too, sugar baby. - MoTO Boychick Devil
Love you too, doll! I'll see you tomorrow, yes? - Corinne L
Yes! - Starmama
Hooray! - Corinne L
Likewise !! - Harold Cabezas