Remember when the celebrities came over here and got confused? Yeah, fuck them.
I think my biggest "remember that?" moment was when Mona suddenly showed up, and literally charmed everyone on ff within 24 hours. - Iain Baker
She did stick around for a while though. She's still cool. Was she a celeb? - Eric @ CS Techcast
I remember when Demi Moore showed up, posted one post, and was never heard from again. - Eric @ CS Techcast
Michael Arrington called us all bullies. All of Friendfeed. You bullies. - Eric @ CS Techcast
*distinctly recalls putting liniment in Arrington's jockstrap* - Big Joe Silenced
Felicia Day showed up for a second when there was a discussion about a pic posted. She was like, this place is weird. Not our finest moment I guess. - Eric @ CS Techcast
Felicia actually interacted more than once in the beginning. But she definitely went when FF was bought. As did tons of people who are only celebrities in the tech world... - Spidra Webster
Oh Scoble. - Eric @ CS Techcast
Leo was around quite a bit as well as Sarah Lane. - Eric @ CS Techcast