Brian Hendrickson

i [Like] micro-blogging, rc cars, music, social networks, photojournalism, driving tractors and big trucks with my sons
When the dying planet meets its end, the group, known as the FFunderCats, is forced to flee its homeland. While leaving in their FFunderfleet, the FFunderCats are attacked by the Mutants of Plun-Darr
soon, everyone will be dangerously staring at their wrists while trying to cross the street or ride a bike - how many accidents will be caused by buzzing wrist-bands w lolcats
This is making me laugh probably more than it should. :D - Jenny H.
what i do is screen-shot interesting moments here by doing command-shift-4 on my mac and dragging a little square
real time and a pause button like FriendFeed had in 2009 - why won't Google Plus, Facebook and Twitter give us waht we wnat
what other feed readers have a "real-time" fluidly-updating feed?
do the conversations on friendfeed still "fly in"?
and "fly out" - DS
Still flying - Prometa
it's still here yesss
made some screen shots - Brian Hendrickson
1,562 subscriptions, 959 subscribers, 1,270 comments and 1,847 likes
I've seen a ton of #alschallenge videos - none even close to as awesomely icy as @justingimelstob -- well done!
"Elephant Barns added you on Google+"
ohh foursquare 8
fyi everybody - the worst company is @CenturyLink they wrote me a check when I closed my acct, and immediately also sent me to collections
RT @davewiner: New version of Little Card Editor coming tomorrow. Lots of fixes, one major new feature --> it can post to Facebook too.
RT @brennannovak: @oscargodson also, when are you going to join the #IndieWeb and publish from your own site? We need JS wizards like you :)
"why are you making me do this" "i hate you for making me do this" -- every kid who mowed a lawn
great sportsmanship from @DjokerNole to hand a point to Stepanek - well done
broadcasters and everyone need to stop saying 'utilizing' c'mon people
the second-most-watched sport is kicking off its world cup today
pop up beer garden erupts as U.S. scores game winning goal
RT @chrisdadswell: "@davewiner: Flickr: Little Pork Chop on an iPhone 5s." Also looking good for Android
RT @dubilman: @bhorowitz Hard Things is the best book I've read since The Catcher In The Rye, when I was 14. The reading flows perfectly.
"rolling snowballs is way different from building sites and transporting content ... enough to fork the Web"
RT @davewiner: Brent Simmons: One Year After the RSS Apocalypse.
replant the White House - no bushes
Hi friends, my Startup Weekend team has a 8-question survey for non-programmers. Thank you for your help! -Brian ->