Brian Hendrickson

i [Like] micro-blogging, rc cars, music, social networks, photojournalism, driving tractors and big trucks with my sons
Hi friends, my Startup Weekend team has a 8-question survey for non-programmers. Thank you for your help! -Brian ->
watching real max trains move on this map #Portland
"This is the most beautiful spring I've seen in my life. I feel that all the rainy days are worth it"
Start your next startup at #pdxsw. The Scratch-it story. via @jmartens
my dead iphone came back to life!!! yessss @weshaw @simasimapdx
Dear friends, my iphone5 is dead from water damage, and Apple can't get the photos I haven't synced yet - any suggestions? thank you! -Brian
RT @jeffersondsmith: What are your favorite Oregon and Portland podcasts? #willretweetgoodanswers
Re: Alexandria, Virgina Tops Amazon’s ‘Most Well-Read Cities in America’ List - GalleyCat -
"this list would be good if it was adjusted for population. I was misled to think that the list was a ranking of cities with a high "proportion" of readers but it's just absolute sales numbers. yay." - Brian Hendrickson
"It's not an information song, but it is a song,” adds Flansburgh. "I'm not denying it's a song,” counters Linnell."
RT @jacobian: @alex_gaynor "ew, you use *PHP*?" "ugh, Django's crap, use Flask instead" "why the fuck do you use Ubuntu instead of Debian" shall I go on?
#lazyweb are there any bike ships in #pdx that have a lot of track bikes (aka #hipster bikes) in stock? thx
signs of spring found on my front lawn
it's up in the air, it's anyone's papacy at this moment
At this time I would like to formally withdraw myself from consideration. - Stephen Mack
watching @DanicaPatrick lead a #nascar race, first time for a woman under green - pretty cool!
"it's like Uber for drones" ~@pmarca
RT @duncan: Finally after a few months in the writing, my Sony RX1 review is up and live: Best enjoyed on HighDPI/Retina screens.
"regret and fear are twin thieves that rob us of today" #quotes #rememberingjohnpaulson /cc @terry_toons @jacksongariety @tarasullivan
RT @mistersugar: Stop to read this by @davewiner. You'll enjoy it, be reminded of imp lesson: The guy at the gas station.
RT @peterc: You know how so many people say "LOL" out loud nowadays? Someone on TV just said "hashtag awkward!" I think it could catch on.. #annoying
been shooting pictures with two 256MB CompactFlash cards in my Nikon - they hold about 36 pictures each, which is just about right
RT @izqui9: [New blog post] Why I think The List will succeed and announcement
"success is measured not in net worth or how much you've raised, but how you conducted yourself in pursuit of your dreams"
RT @SvbtleFeed: The List: Fostering great content by @ow
RT @evanpro: From @davemorin's Tumblr, I follow him via PubSubHubbub on, and RT'd there. Gatewayed to Twitter.
learning too much from my first @getlittlebird report #mindblown
"I always try to say “Hate ee ohs,” which sounds like a breakfast cereal." #rest #restful
listening to preview tracks from new @tmbg album, Nanobots - "Lost my mind" is a great new song