Brian Hendrickson

i [Like] micro-blogging, rc cars, music, social networks, photojournalism, driving tractors and big trucks with my sons
listening to preview tracks from new @tmbg album, Nanobots - "Lost my mind" is a great new song
federated social web news - @storytlr users can follow @statusnet users and vice-versa - will @appdotnet play too? #indieweb #ostatus #rss
I'm at Townshend's Tea House (Portland, OR) [pic]:
RT @Fillows4: @ESPNTennis I think they need to put #Federer back on instead of Stephens
RT @kevinmarks: @Pistachio the nice thing about hashtags is that they work everywhere, not just twitter. (unlike @ names)
I think the rain goes sideways for a while, and then down
blue skies and sunny - yet i'm being rained upon
dear #lazyweb, is there a way to make #MountainLion Mail display each message in my inbox as a single line instead of 4-lines? #osx
I'm at Townshend's Tea House (Portland, OR) [pic]:
'A boutique social network user is not exactly the type of person to click on an ad' ~@vibhu
RT @danyork: The Challenging Intersection Of Facebook And Religion - And The Blurring of Public and Private Lives
cool spot at 16th and Sandy (@ See See Motorcycle w/ @jacksongariety) [pic]:
“I wonder how long this one will last?”, asked the Web to his friend Email. ~@dhh
You can tell the size of a man by the size of the thing that makes him mad. — Adlai Stevenson II h/t @terry_toons
I used #activitystreams and #rss to pass #swat0 in 2010 RT @ciberch #fsws here is the link to the latest actvity streams schema on github @t
RT @bhorowitz: New post: Making Yourself a CEO // ben's blog -
RT @johnbattelle: is officially my fav. badass service: ck out @OpenCoSF companies, mapped and live!
"testing disqus on my tumblr - swizzt" - Brian Hendrickson
RT @JacksonGariety: “@ajbaird: Most literal job title ever.” /cc @brianjesse
"you can't troll a troll. you're gonna break the internet." ~@troll
RT @cheeker9: Building a Brand by Integrating User-Generated Content via @ilpostano
"I'm planning to write a [#wordpress] plugin that just updates the dates of my blog posts" ~@szilka #brilliant
Fwd: GIllmor Gang, recording live today 2pm PT participate at (via
Thunderbolt and lightning-very very frightening me- Galileo,Galileo, Galileo Galileo Galileo figaro-Magnifico- But I'm just a poor boy and
RT @rogoway: Portland entrepreneur teams w/Grant High junior to form HashTraffic & bring hashtags to the masses: by @dkrowpdx
RT @maxogden The US should straight up copy Estonian public education computer programming policies via @selenamarie
my new deck smells as good as it looks
"Everyone has 1000 bad drawings inside of them. The sooner we get those out, the sooner we can start making better drawings."