Have you always lived in Colorado Springs? - Spidra Webster
Which do you think will get you first, instant karma or the rhythm? - Corinne L
I got the rhythm a long time ago. Karma? Still waiting. - Eric @ CS Techcast
What's your favourite Dinosaur? - Iain Baker
how did i strike you thru the years? - chaz2b
I'm an Army brat. I was born in Tacoma, WA, moved to Stuttgart, Germany, then to Fort Huachuca, AZ, then to Frankfurt, Germany, then to Colorado Springs, CO where my dad retired from the Army. I've lived here more or less since '88. - Eric @ CS Techcast
Dino, Stegosaurus - Eric @ CS Techcast
Chaz, like a fastball. - Eric @ CS Techcast
thanks, :) - chaz2b
Will you marry me? - Melly #FForever
Yes, but you'll have to join my cult. We live underground in a bunker. Wait, that's the plot to Kimmy Schmidt - Eric @ CS Techcast
How did you meet your lovely wife? - Ell Bee, See?
Top 5 Hip-Hop songs of all time? - AHnix (Anna Haro)
Have you patched and updated your computer today? - Steven Perez
Steven, I had several computers update on me today, through no fault of my own. - Eric @ CS Techcast
Top 5? That's a tough one. When I think of what I never get tired of, here are some of my favorites, all 80s BTW. 5) My Philosophy - Boogie Down Productions, 4) Microphone Fiend - Eric B & Rakim, 3) My Adidas - Run DMC, 2) Fight The Power - Public Enemy, 1) The Message - Grandmaster Flash & the Furious 5 - Eric @ CS Techcast
Time to hit YouTube to watch/listen to those. :) - CAJ was here
What was the first song you remember strongly liking? - CAJ was here
My dad borrowed a copy of a 12" blend disco record that he recorded onto his reel to reel. It included The Hustle. I loved that. - Eric @ CS Techcast
I met my wife in high school band. We've been a hurricane force ever since. - Eric @ CS Techcast