What ever happened to the Friendfeed box? I never got a turn.
The Friendfeed box? - John (bird whisperer)
It was a box of stuff people were mailing around. - Eric @ CS Techcast
i've been thinking about it, missing the pictures of its travels, :( - chaz2b
Who's had it in their hands? - Eric @ CS Techcast
not me, too late on the list i guess - chaz2b
Someone held onto it and never passed it on but I don't know who. Presumably someone who left FF quite some time ago. - Spidra Webster
a thief of hope and imagination - chaz2b
At one point it ended up stuck with Aden, I think she finally sent it on, but it sat with her a very long time. - OCoG of FF, Jimminy
http://friendfeed.com/friendf... Looks like MJC might have it. He's on Facebook and Twitter. - Spidra Webster
I bet he doesn't have it any more, it's been nearly 4 years. - OCoG of FF, Jimminy
Yeah, it stopped with MJC. - Anne Bouey
haha i had that damn box way too long too. ;) - holly #ravingfangirl
I'll start another, if anyone else is game. I just need to know what to put in it to get it started. We can even port it over to frenf. - Steven Perez
i'll play; guess it starts out with a box, and a donated item - chaz2b
The box had local treats, postcards, trinkets, a small gift or two for specific FFers. I added a little FF memorabilia when I had it. The receiver took a couple items and replaced them with something new. - Anne Bouey
Sounds like a geocache that comes to you instead of you hunting for it. - bentley
I would absolutely love to start something like this up again, especially if we can find some sort of way to organize where things go next (and some sort of schedule.) Are there any tools (like Elfster? I dunno.) that could facilitate that? A lot of us are ending up in one or more places, but I feel like we could make it work as long as people are still in touch with at least the next person on the list. - Jennifer Dittrich
I was just especially sad that it bombed out right as a lot of us first became really active and didn't have a chance to participate. If people don't want to, it isn't like there's an obligation. - Jennifer Dittrich
Jennifer, if you follow the link Spidra provided above, you'll see how it was all done using Google Maps and signing up. - Anne Bouey
I was hoping there'd be maybe something a little more structured if we wanted to revive it, if just to prevent or make it less likely that we'd have things go south the way that they did. I know there's only so much that can be done, and people have to be responsible, but if there's any way to make it easier, I would want to include that. - Jennifer Dittrich
You should probably arrange who is getting the box and in what order, before it begins. It would probably be easier on people to handle the postage costs if they are much closer together and the box doesn't have to criss-cross an ocean on each trip. I was scanning through the comments in the previous box room and noticed someone mentioned having to pay over $60 to ship it. That's a lot, and something that one would have to plan into their budget and be aware of, long before receiving the box. Perhaps just a traveling mascot would be better? One small stuffed animal (perhaps hand made by one of us) that you have to host and give a tour of your neighborhood, post photos of it "having fun" to the group, then send it on its way to the next person, additional small accompanying trinkets optional. You could use the DonationCoder Baby Cody as an example. Any small trinkets that the stuffed animal picks up along the way are considered the possessions of that stuffed animal...clothes, jewelry, military medals, etc. When it paid me a visit, it acquired a dollar bill ankle bracelet. Because the items are small, the shipping costs are kept affordable. If the host wants to include a gift specifically for the next person, it's optional (like when I shipped the addition of a stainless steel travel mug for a soldier in Afghanistan, who was the next recipient). Here is Baby Cody at a meet-up at my house, with another forum member: http://www.donationcoder.com/forum... - April Russo (FForever!)
To be very frank about the original FF Swap Box...y'all put your absolute trust and faith in strangers on the internet. While that's incredibly noble, it's also a chance you took. Life happens and priorities change, and sometimes shit just falls apart. The behavior and attitude of some of the swap participants were just as egregious as those who failed to send the box along in a timely manner. After a while I became grateful that I'd missed the cut-off for the first Swap by mere hours. You really can't make the process easier or more reliable. In the end it's still strangers on the internet shipping a box of stuff around. Also, the fact that the box was used to ship gifts to specific people (which meant that those who were not the recipient of those gifts were paying to ship stuff they weren't allowed to have) kind of soured the experience as well. Overall, the Swap Box started out as a great idea but I think entitlement and just plain ol' life destroyed it. If you do revive it, I suggest April's method since it would be a consistent shipping cost for all involved and it would provide all participants with a similar experience. - Hookuh Tinypants
The tragedy of the commons... swap box. - Jennifer Dittrich
Pretty much. :) - Hookuh Tinypants