Eric - Final Countdown

Eric Beehler is too busy to be here but can't stay away.
In the "If crooks weren't so stupid" category. Someone tried to enter my wife's car at some point this morning. I can see the prints in the fresh snow come up the sidewalk, up to the car, snow brushed off of the driver's door, and snow wiped from the handle. Then the same prints walking away.
If I wanted to, I could probably follow the prints, but I don't want to get into it with someone with no skills at stealing things. - Eric @ CS Techcast
They prolly stole the shoes. - Starmama
Can anyone point me the way to fix the bookmark let
This bridal shop is a money machine. In and out, up sell, free/not free. Just amazing.
Too many mirrors! - Eric @ CS Techcast
Talking to someone who watched the 50 Shades movie. Mm-hmm.
“It was all for them,” Mother of four kids, one with cerebral palsy, wins massive Powerball -
"Holmes, 26, says she rarely plays the lottery, but decided to splurge on a ticket when she saw how high the Powerball jackpot was before the drawing. “First, I’m going to pay my tithes because I wouldn’t have none of it if it wasn’t for God,” she said. “After that, I’m going set up accounts for my kids. And when I figure out where we’re going to live, I’m going to buy a house for me and my kids. Then I’m going to make sure my family’s good.” Holmes told WECT that she had worked at McDonald’s and Walmart, but recently had to quit to care for her young children. According to the North Carolina Education Lottery, Holmes will take home about $188 million." - Eric @ CS Techcast
You ever wonder why your friends have the friends that THEY have?
Is this post inspired by Facebook? - Kristin
A DM/chat I had on Facebook. But there is no lack of that over there. - Eric @ CS Techcast
Dan Gilbert Didn't Like A Yahoo Blog Post, So Yahoo Deleted It -
"The owner of Quicken Loans, though, is Dan Gilbert, also owner of the Cleveland Cavaliers and a man whose vanity is exceeded only by his pettiness. According to multiple sources, after Gilbert read Dwyer's post, he and his chief legal counsel called Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer directly to complain about a snarky line that read something like "Predatory Lender Quicken Loans Arena." We're not sure precisely what it said, because barely any traces of it remain online. Mayer ordered the post deleted immediately. This wasn't just a case of Mayer responding to the whim of a powerful businessman by pitching something unflattering down the well. Not only had Gilbert's Quicken Loans just become a brand partner of Mayer's Yahoo, but this incident immediately followed on a series of corporate maneuvers seemingly designed to make Yahoo's newsroom an instrument of its marketing operation. The system did not malfunction; the system worked as designed." - Eric @ CS Techcast
The Pizza Party Where Everyone Got Fired -
"The testers at [MAJOR PUBLISHER] had just finished wrapping up testing on a project we'll call "Biolands." And to congratulate them, the man in charge arranged a huge bowling/pizza party for the end of the week. Of course everyone is hyped for the event. So the day finally arrives and all the testers show up. They all start bowling and eating pizza. After a few hours of everyone enjoying themselves, the VP asks for everyone's attention. When he does manage to get the team to listen, he begins to thank them for their hard work and has the leads hand them their termination papers." - Eric @ CS Techcast
Another story: when I worked at a fast food chain that had just been acquired by a bigger chain, we were told on a Monday that Sunday was the last day for our location. Nobody told the kid who only worked Sundays. When he came in that Sunday, he thought we were kidding, and he finally had to ask the manager. That's how he found out what he was out of a job after that day. - bentley
What the hell are those ladies doing with those Vermont Teddy Bears? #commercialsleavequestions
Volunteered to fix a computer, but it's a super slow piece of crap. Ugh.
Finally done. Stupid AVG was broken. Had to run the removal tool to get rid of it so the computer could browse the web. - Eric @ CS Techcast
I feel your pain. - Steven Perez
Fox News website embeds unedited Isis video showing brutal murder of Jordanian pilot -
"Fox News has chosen to embed on its website the video of Islamic State burning a hostage to death, a move which makes them the only US media organisation to broadcast the video in full. The extremely graphic 22-minute video shows Muadh al-Kasasbeh, a Jordanian pilot, being set on fire and burned to death in a cage. Fox News did not post the videos of the killings of previous Isis hostages, and no other media company has hosted this video. YouTube removed a link to the video a few hours after it was posted, and a spokesperson for Facebook told the Guardian that if anyone posted the video to the social networking site it would be taken down." - Eric @ CS Techcast
Pick your moments.
Life in Chains: Beginning and Ending at TGI Fridays -
"At TGI Fridays, you could be the you you wanted to be, and that day I wanted to be anonymous." - Eric @ CS Techcast
Attorney Arrested for Telling Cops Not to Take Pictures of Her Client -
"A San Francisco public defender was arrested after refusing to let police officers take pictures of her client. The encounter was caught on video." - Eric @ CS Techcast
Heh, that's a very different spin than the reports I read yesterday, which pointed out that the police were attempting to question her client without her present, and refused to let her into the conversation. - Jennifer Dittrich
Yup. She was trying to protect her client and they arrested her. - Spidra Webster
Colleague, "Yesterday looked like it was quite." Me, "No, it was pretty busy. They just didn't come across in tickets." Colleague, "Really, what came up?" Me, "I can't remember. I spend last night forgetting the day."
Are ever scratching an itch and accidentally dig into yourself like a mountain lion digs into a rabbit?
New All-Female 'Ghostbusters' Cast Chosen -
"Melissa McCarthy, who was already in talks for one of the leads, has signed on for the Paul Feig-directed reboot, and the studio is now negotiating with Kristen Wiig as well as Saturday Night Live players Leslie Jones and Kate McKinnon" - Eric @ CS Techcast
I worry that they're going to end up with a bunch of gross-out humor - part of the strength of the original is that it often just lets the innuendo float out there without being explicit. Of course, my favorite joke from the original is a dick joke, so what do I know ;) - Jennifer Dittrich
yes, this film has no dick jokes - Pete's Got To Go
"Stop giving juice to the Raiders, 'cause Al Davis, never paid us"
Desperate Sorority Rush Guide's Frantic Scream: No Mandy Moores -
"...We score on a 1 to 5 scale as follows: 5- HOLY SHIT! If she is not in our house I'm going to die LOVE her ALL necessary attributes Beautiful, intelligent, sincere, funny, energetic, overall bombshell YOU want to be HER THE COOLEST GIRL YOU'VE EVER MET THAT WILL FOR SURE BE AN ASSET TO OUR HOUSE! 4- All necessary attributes Really like her Excited about her and can't wait to see her again An Alpha Phi 3- You like her There is nothing wrong with her, but nothing awesome about her either (Mandy Moore) 2- Not an Alpha Phi- plain and simple 1- NO NO NO NO NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Something is off! Absolutely cannot be in our house" - Eric @ CS Techcast
I think only computers are able to get the bag of crap from Woot. I refreshed and the click to order button was yellow. Clicked it but one second later and the button changed to grey, sold out. I had been refreshing for 5 minutes waiting for it. Stupid bots.
I got one once, but that was 2-3 years ago, and I don't bother looking for them anymore. - ellbeecee
There have been stories of the occasion TV or other high end product showing up in these. That's why they are gone so fast. - Eric @ CS Techcast
School Superintendent Denies Student Request to Watch Selma Because of Bad Language -
"Students at the Collinsville High School history club in Alabama tried to ask the board of education for permission to attend a screening of Selma. School superintendent Hugh Taylor rejected their request for one simple reason. The bad language." - Eric @ CS Techcast
Moscow Mule. That is all.
man yeah - MoTO Boychick Devil
So good. - MoTO Boychick Devil
Report says richest 1% will control most wealth by 2016 -
"The study, published ahead of this week's annual meeting of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, suggests that by 2016 the gap between the world's rich and poor will widen to the extent that those at the top of the income pile will control over 50% of total global wealth. That percentage is up from 48% in 2014. In 2014, the 80 richest people had a collective wealth of $1.9 trillion — a rise of $600 billion, or 50% in four years, according to the report, Wealth: Having It All and Wanting More. The report used data taken from Forbes' billionaires list and also research conducted by Swiss financial services group Credit Suisse." - Eric @ CS Techcast
Scientists Observe 'Fast Radio Burst' In Real Time, One Of The Great Mysteries Of The Universe -
"Fast Radio Bursts, also known as FRBs, consist of incredibly brief and intense bursts of radio energy that seem to originate from remote parts of space. The team that observed this most recent burst said it believes the burst came from a point 5.5 billion light-years away though it has no idea what caused it. Previously detected FRBs have come from twice as far away. John Mulchaey, acting director of Carnegie Observatories, part of the team of scientists that observed this particular FRB, has described the phenomenon as “one of the great mysteries of the Universe.” And since FRBs were first observed in 2007, theories about what causes them have proliferated. Some say they are the result of celestial collisions, or of starquakes occurring on extremely powerful neutron stars. Still others contend they are messages sent by intelligent beings directly to Earth." - Eric @ CS Techcast
Are oh see kay
In the USA - Eric @ CS Techcast
WATCHA GOT?? - Brent Schaus
BRENT FTW - holly #ravingfangirl
ABC's 'Fresh off the Boat' panel gets rather awkward -
"The first question from a TV reporter is a jaw-dropper. The cast and producers of ABC’s new Asian-American comedy series Fresh off the Boat are gathered on a Pasadena hotel stage to take questions from roughly 200 members of the press. And the first comment to the panel is: “I love the Asian culture. And I was just talking about the chopsticks. And I just love all that. Will I get to see that? Or will it be more Americanized?” The rest of the assembled reporters — judging by the flurry of chopsticks-related “did that really just happen?” tweets flying out of the ballroom — are rather horrified. The panel tries to have fun with it. “Wait till Episode 5, it’s all about chopsticks,” showrunner Nahnatchka Khan quips. “The original title was Chopsticks,” adds actor Randall Park." - Eric @ CS Techcast
I think I found the biggest scourge of Internet comment trolls, and it's not YouTube. It's Worldstar.
It's the only place I could find to unearthed Beastie Boys/Nas video and the comments are beyond racist. - Eric @ CS Techcast
I didn't know, but now I know.
I don't get it - Moniqua
If you don't know, now you know. - That one guy. Bren.
When your feed blew up on that Nya Rivera stuff. I was rolling. I had no idea... - Eric @ CS Techcast
Lmaooooooo. Oh yeah. She nasty. - Moniqua
I'm sad. We are all going to have to endure hearing about Mike Huckabee and his stupid opinions again.