Eric - Final Countdown

Eric Beehler is too busy to be here but can't stay away.
I didn't know, but now I know.
I don't get it - Moniqua
If you don't know, now you know. - That one guy. Bren.
When your feed blew up on that Nya Rivera stuff. I was rolling. I had no idea... - Eric @ CS Techcast
Lmaooooooo. Oh yeah. She nasty. - Moniqua
I'm sad. We are all going to have to endure hearing about Mike Huckabee and his stupid opinions again.
Forget vinyl, producer Trevor Jackson is bringing back mini discs and reel-to-reel -
"The London-based director, producer and visual artist is set to release a new work that explores variations in the LP format. F O R M A T will be released as 12 tracks in 12 different formats—7-inch, 10-inch, and 12-inch vinyl, CD, mini CD, cassette, USB, mini disc, DAT, VHS, 8-track, and reel-to-reel—making it something of a physical timeline of the album.  Record label and pressing plant The Vinyl Factory, which boasts releases from the likes of Pet Shop Boys and Burial, will produce and distribute the album." - Eric @ CS Techcast
Libraries need to collect all 12 versions, and provide a way for patrons to listen to the music in each of the different formats, too. - Back to just Joe
Good luck with that--especially with DAT and 8-track. For libraries, doesn't this fall into the same category as that single-play/self-destructing album somebody put out? (Don't remember the name; that self-destructed as well.) - walt crawford
I just want a reason to dust off the reel to reel. - Eric @ CS Techcast
Christoph Waltz Eats a Cheeseburger Menacingly -
My youngest daughter's birthday is today. Alissa hits 12. Where does the time go?
Happy birthday! - Stephan Planken
Happy birthday, Alissa. - Tamara J. B.
happy bday! - imabonehead
Happy birthday! - WoH: Professor MOTHRA
I've seen the lights go out on Broadway
Facebook auto-complete has been bad, but when I type Happy for happy birthday and it autofills The Happy Hooker, I fear for what shall happen. That FB autocomplete feature is the fucking worst. Although it does provide amusement on occasion. - Spidra Webster
This terrorist has a homemade rap video?
Can't wait for Fox News to grab that one. - Eric @ CS Techcast
To be honest, Fox already jumped LONG ago and are just waiting for platforms to form under them. - Johnny
I wonder how they'll be able to integrate a large split screen of a half naked Nikki Minaj, you know, because it's news. - Eric @ CS Techcast
Bill O'Reilly has the Common split screen warmed up and ready to go. - Johnny
ATTN: CODE DUDES (men and women are dudes in this case). If you were a young twenty-something starting out wanting to be a programmer/coder, and you didn't want to take the path of college, what would you do? What would be your plan?
write code, read other folk's code, write more code, read about coding, write more code, read about hardware, write even more code, contribute to open-source projects (not just code), embrace math, perhaps learn a(nother) musical instrument, and reconsider college avoidance... - Aloof Schipperke
I've also think Kevin's suggestion is good. And moreover in regards to contributing to an open source project, pick one that really interests you and find a good mentor. For example, if you're interested in the linux kernel, there are seasoned kernel hackers are more than willing to be mentors; just find one on - imabonehead
Rapper Cool C To Be Executed Tomorrow -
"Philadelphia rap pioneer Cool C is scheduled to be executed tomorrow (Jan. 8). Born Christopher Roney, the “Glamorous Life” star was convicted 19 years ago this month of first-degree murder in the death of Philadelphia police officer Lauretha Vaird. The shooting occurred during a botched bank robbery carried out by Roney and two other men, including his rhyming partner Warren “Steady B” McGlone. Though prosecutors sought the death penalty for all three, only Roney received the sentence. (The other two men are serving life without the possibility of parole.) Roney and his mother maintain his innocence, saying they were sharing a meal during the 1996 robbery; surveillance footage and forensic evidence suggest Roney’s presence at the bank. During his time on the mic, Roney was known as one of Philly’s foremost emcees, beloved for taking up arms against MC Shan, whom many felt had abandoned the city that gave him his start in hip-hop. The peak of his success as Cool C came in 1989 with his Atlantic debut, I Gotta Habit. His video for “The Glamorous Life” featured the first appearance from none other than Jill Scott, who starred as the love interest." - Eric @ CS Techcast
I never knew about the situation, although I had heard about it in passing, until last year. I never expected Cool C and Steady B to be criminals. Crazy. - Eric @ CS Techcast
Update "Despite widespread reports that Roney’s execution was going ahead as planned, NBA Philadelphia reports that the stay of execution was, in fact, granted a Philadelphia District Court judge." - Eric @ CS Techcast
I didn't realize Pennsylvania still did executions. - John (bird whisperer)
Former 'Onion' editor: Freedom of speech cannot be killed -
"Satire must always accompany any free society. It is an absolute necessity. Even in the most repressive medieval kingdoms, they understood the need for the court jester, the one soul allowed to tell the truth through laughter. It is, in many ways, the most powerful form of free speech because it is aimed at those in power, or those whose ideas would spread hate. It is the canary in the coalmine, a cultural thermometer, and it always has to push, push, push the boundaries of society to see how much it’s grown." - Eric @ CS Techcast
FBI says NAACP explosion in Colorado Springs could be domestic terrorism -
"Southerland was working Tuesday when the explosion happened, and he said it was “so loud, for a minute I didn’t know if it happened inside or outside.” A few containers fell off a shelf right near the explosion, but the barbershop was otherwise unharmed. He went outside and saw a gas can and what looked like a chunk of dynamite. He said he picked up the large gas can, possibly five gallon sized, and said it felt full. Police later told him the device was a pipe bomb and flare rigged to ignite the gas can, he said." - Eric @ CS Techcast
Did they attack the French version of The Onion?
CNN Profiles New Members of Congress as If They’re on Tinder -
Okay. Anyway, I saw a comment on Mia Love's election on one of the socnets (maybe twitter?) awhile back. To paraphrase: "'Groundbreaking?' The Democrats sent Shirley Chisolm to Congress back in 1969. Republicans are so cute." I actually guffawed. - MoTO Boychick Devil
Nah, see, you missed the fact that the Republican party wants to take everyone back 50 years so TECHNICALLY, she's been elected 5 years BEFORE Chisolm ;) - Johnny
Well now it makes sense... - MoTO Boychick Devil
Authorities on scene of explosion near the NAACP in Colorado Springs -
News just released a description for a "person of interest" - Elena
Today took a u-turn into uncertainty.
New Year’s Resolution: More Dinner Parties -
"* Invaluable Entertaining Tip #1: Always have friends with more money, better taste and more impressive wine cellars than your own. *Invaluable Entertaining Tip #2: If you don’t have such friends, get some new ones." - Eric @ CS Techcast
Wife made yeast waffles. They were divine.
Sometimes blocking a Twitter troll is cleansing.
I rather enjoy using my ban-hammer. I use it pretty liberally. - Jason in #FFurgatory
We own Friends on DVD. Now we are watching Friends on Netflix. There are little differences. I'm not exactly sure what they are, but there are differences.
Netflix is showing the broadcast edit. The DVDs have added scenes. - bentley
Thanks. - Eric @ CS Techcast
Also, the reruns on TV are cut down further than the broadcast edits. - Eric @ CS Techcast
Hey guys, how did you get Advanced Tweets working again? It's been down for me for a while.
I was never even able to sign up. - Starmama
TV reporter goes viral with 'Alphabet Aerobics' -
"A Midland, Texas TV reporter's internet video has gone viral after she impressively recites Blackalicious' song, "Alphabet Aerobics" in a vocal warm-up routine. Kim Powell, a NewsWest9 news reporter, delivered the tongue twister before broadcasting at a live shot in front of a nail salon and a 'juice joint'. She later tweeted, "You guys will never guess what song is stuck in my head."" - Eric @ CS Techcast
Well, it would have been nice to actually hear HER in that video. <sigh> - CAJ was here
2014 was the year Obama picked getting things done over fixing US politics -
"2014 was the year that Barack Obama saved his presidency by completely abandoning the theory of his 2008 campaign. It was the year that he accepted that the only way to bring the policy changes he had promised was to abandon the political ideals that first got him elected. In a Rolling Stone article from August, Reid Cherlin, a former White House press staffer, nailed the irony of the Obama administration's record: [T]hey have managed over six years to accomplish much of what Obama promised to do, even if accomplishing it helped speed the process of partisan breakdown." - Eric @ CS Techcast
What We Know About Inequality (in 14 Charts) -
Everybody knows I got my sweat pants, I got my sweat pants, I got my sweat pants on.
*fistbump* - Mary Carmen
Thomas Keller learns to never read the comments after posting about French Laundry’s wine theft on Facebook -
"I know, I know. “Area Human is Sort of Mean on the Internet” is a well-documented trend, but here we are, on the verge of a new year, and it’s happening again. This time, you can see it play out on Thomas Keller’s Facebook page, where the chef has posted about a recent theft at The French Laundry, his well-known California restaurant." - Eric @ CS Techcast
"Among the most powerful moments of Selma, the new film about the march Martin Luther King, Jr. led in 1965 in support of voting rights for African Americans, are the speeches, sermons, and eulogies King delivered during that tumultuous period. However, the speeches performed by actor David Oyelowo in the film do not contain the actual words spoken by King. This is because the King estate would not license the copyright in the speeches to filmmaker Ava DuVernay. Thus, the King estate’s aggressive stance on copyright has literally forced the re-writing of history." - Eric @ CS Techcast
Yahoo Pursued Scripps Networks Acquisition -
"Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer is interested in potentially taking the riches her company reaped from the Alibaba IPO and funneling them into cable networks, the report suggests. Yahoo approached SNI at some point in 2014 about purchasing Food Network, and the conversation eventually extended to acquiring the rest of a portfolio that also includes HGTV and Travel Channel. Yahoo may have also approached Time Warner about acquiring CNN. But the report doesn’t suggest that either of these potential acquisitions are still in active discussions." - Eric @ CS Techcast
Fox Not Interested in GOP Whip Scalise’s Meeting with White Supremacist Group -
"Speaker John Boehner (R-OH), had to simultaneously defend one of their congressional leaders while working overtime to distance the party from the politics of the group he addressed. The fallout now even includes Duke threatening to reveal his connections to other lawmakers. None of that broke through to Fox News, however. The cable network mentioned the Scalise story once since it broke, during the America’s Newsroom 9 a.m. hour, for a brief 20-second segment that included Scalise’s initial response. That’s it so far. By contrast CNN has covered the story a half dozen times while MSNBC has covered it at least nine times. In the meantime Fox did find room for a Scott Brown acoustic performance, a guide to children’s jokes from Elisabeth Hasselbeck, two stories about tweets from Max Blumenthal on American Sniper, a recap of Jonathan Gruber’s “stupid Americans” statement, and other stories." - Eric @ CS Techcast
Police Respect Squandered in Attacks on de Blasio - -
"They have taken the most grave and solemn of civic moments — a funeral of a fallen colleague — and hijacked it for their own petty look-at-us gesture. In doing so, they also turned their backs on Mr. Ramos’s widow and her two young sons, and others in that grief-struck family. These are disgraceful acts, which will be compounded if anyone repeats the stunt at Officer Liu’s funeral on Sunday." - Eric @ CS Techcast
Air Asia flight missing -
"Indonesian media say 162 people were on board. The aircraft, flight number QZ8501, lost contact with Jakarta air traffic control just after 06:15am local time, a transport official told local media. The official, Hadi Mustofa, said the plane had asked for an unusual route before losing contact." - Eric @ CS Techcast