Fox Not Interested in GOP Whip Scalise’s Meeting with White Supremacist Group -
"Speaker John Boehner (R-OH), had to simultaneously defend one of their congressional leaders while working overtime to distance the party from the politics of the group he addressed. The fallout now even includes Duke threatening to reveal his connections to other lawmakers. None of that broke through to Fox News, however. The cable network mentioned the Scalise story once since it broke, during the America’s Newsroom 9 a.m. hour, for a brief 20-second segment that included Scalise’s initial response. That’s it so far. By contrast CNN has covered the story a half dozen times while MSNBC has covered it at least nine times. In the meantime Fox did find room for a Scott Brown acoustic performance, a guide to children’s jokes from Elisabeth Hasselbeck, two stories about tweets from Max Blumenthal on American Sniper, a recap of Jonathan Gruber’s “stupid Americans” statement, and other stories." - Eric @ CS Techcast