The Pizza Party Where Everyone Got Fired -
"The testers at [MAJOR PUBLISHER] had just finished wrapping up testing on a project we'll call "Biolands." And to congratulate them, the man in charge arranged a huge bowling/pizza party for the end of the week. Of course everyone is hyped for the event. So the day finally arrives and all the testers show up. They all start bowling and eating pizza. After a few hours of everyone enjoying themselves, the VP asks for everyone's attention. When he does manage to get the team to listen, he begins to thank them for their hard work and has the leads hand them their termination papers." - Eric @ CS Techcast
That dude probably breaks up with people via text. - Anika
The last story was especially sad. - Andrew C (see
The last story was awful. - bentley
A friend worked as a (technical?) writer. One Friday, half the company was asked to stay behind for a meeting after work. The other half didn't know about it and went home. The half that stayed was informed that the company was closing shop as of right this minute and were re-opening as a new company on Monday. All those present at this meeting were offered new jobs at the new company. I don't know how the other half was informed that they were out of a job. - bentley
Another story: when I worked at a fast food chain that had just been acquired by a bigger chain, we were told on a Monday that Sunday was the last day for our location. Nobody told the kid who only worked Sundays. When he came in that Sunday, he thought we were kidding, and he finally had to ask the manager. That's how he found out what he was out of a job after that day. - bentley