I think only computers are able to get the bag of crap from Woot. I refreshed and the click to order button was yellow. Clicked it but one second later and the button changed to grey, sold out. I had been refreshing for 5 minutes waiting for it. Stupid bots.
I got one once, but that was 2-3 years ago, and I don't bother looking for them anymore. - ellbeecee
I've never been able to order one, and like ellbeecee just stopped looking. - Jennifer Dittrich
I've only come upon them 3 times now. When I checked Woot today there was a fairly obvious clue that the next thing for sale was the bag. I can say I was there, logged in, ready. It's just sucks that regular customers don't even get a chance. - Eric @ CS Techcast
No, this is Woot which sells what they call Bags of Crap during woot-offs. It's basically a box of random (not very valuable) stuff from their warehouse. - ellbeecee
There have been stories of the occasion TV or other high end product showing up in these. That's why they are gone so fast. - Eric @ CS Techcast