
Pastry chef!!!
You down with OPP?
Yeah, you know me! Wait whut? - Scoble, Alex Scoble
Who's down with OPP? This whole party! And Alex Scoble! - Lo
So if there were a button you could press, and it would undo all of civilization -- not actually hurt anyone, but just rewind back to the stone age, or maybe change the crucial moment that man began agriculture -- would you do it? Consider it? Would anything change your answer, like global warming getting much worse?
Do we keep our knowledge of the world as it is right now? - Johnny
Well said, Kelli, although it's possible that climate change might not be an issue were it not for humanity's thing. I'm pretty anti-agriculture, but only because I was so astonished to learn how bad its development was for people. I had the impression that people had continually grown healthier (greater height, longer life) as time has passed. The reality is that human health, height, and lifespan all went down dramatically when we started living in one place, and have slowly returned to where we were before -- except the many people living in poverty, who are still screwed. That's not to mention the vast increase in disease and exploitation of others that go hand-in-hand with high population density. They didn't teach me any of that in school. In the end, there's nothing I can do about it, and that's clearly a good thing. If it were up to me we'd all be writing this on cave walls :P - Lo
The number of greeting cards I've received in my life is staggering.
I'm not going to even ask for help, because it is quite clear to me that I may never use Pandora on my phone ever again. The 20 hours I have spent over the last 2 weeks not only didn't work, but have driven me to destroy civilization. Don't worry. It's not a big loss. - Lo
I dunno... I'd rather live in a tribal society with you guys than know you just on the internet. - Lo
Highlight from today's video chat with my therapist: "You know, ten minutes ago I was telling my colleague that I never hear anything new anymore. But a young lady who wants to be a train hobo? Now that's a first. And from what I remember of you, I have to say it makes sense."
There was a recent caller to Savage Love who said she rode the rails for several years, and recently settled down. I had no idea there were people active doing that these days, and now I am finding it that much harder to go through the daily motions... *whittles bindle* - Lo
This should be useful for me! - Lo
Death To Foreplay! — Pleasure Mechanics - http://www.pleasuremechanics.com/death-t...
Neat, compelling little piece (though it needs an editor!) - Lo
WHOA. Just saw salient used as a noun. That's new to me! Looked it up, turns out my comprehension of the adjective was also incomplete. Worldview rocked, torn asunder, reassembled.
Can't wait for a chance to say "This dance floor is SALIENT!" - Lo
Just replying to some comments on one of my youtube videos, and a popup appeared saying "DID YOU KNOW YOU HAVE YOUR OWN YOUTUBE CHANNEL?" with a link to it. Um... thanks for a much-needed laugh, yt!
Their love was a flame in danger's secret shadows! NOTORIOUS! - http://zoegraham.wordpress.com/main-sc...
In college one of my friends stunned me by naming this as her favorite Hitchcock film. Then I saw it, and had to agree. - Lo
It's my favorite, too. I love the camera work in the scenes after they've figured her out - so claustrophobic. Now I want to watch this! - Jennifer Dittrich
If you get the criterion dvd, make sure to watch the trailers! That's where "their love was a flame in danger's secret shadows!" comes from... I can't stop saying that :P - Lo
“This must be Thursday,' said Arthur to himself, sinking low over his beer. 'I never could get the hang of Thursdays.” - Douglas Adams
It's Friday, I'm in love :) - Eivind
Has anyone heard of this? You set a monthly food budget for yourself/your household. Each month, you do your best to "recycle" food and eat food that would otherwise go to waste. The difference between your budget & what you spend, you donate to charities that feed other people. Is there a name for that, or something like it?
It's killing me. I *know* someone has thought of this, named it, and there's probably a movement of people doing it. But no matter how I google, I can't find it. - Lo
OH SNAP I just helped Darth Vader out of his suit. TEENAGE FANTASY ACHIEVED.
Best. Friday. Night. EVER. - Lo
No way, Jose. I am too legit to quit! - Lo
We are with these people right now: http://www.youtube.com/watch... Trippy!
My job is to turn the timer for the lights every 45 minutes. And make sure they don't burn the store down. It's a tough job, but someone has to do it! - Lo
Guess who's getting paid to watch Chad Vader filming tonight? Aw yeah!
The guy who plays vader has kind of a James Franco thing going on... - Lo
Scratch that. Different guy. - Lo
That guy in the Vader suit totally could've gotten into my pants when I was in high school. I wonder if I should tell him that. - Lo
At the end of Prometheus, several people near us in the theater were saying, "I never saw the original." How can you like horror movies, but never see Alien? DOES NOT COMPUTE.
Asked and answered elsewhere. - walt crawford
Nude face-eating cannibal? Must be Miami - Carl Hiaasen - http://www.miamiherald.com/2012...
This is exactly what it's like to be from Florida. Hiaasen understands. - Lo
Help me, clever media types! Rather than delete my facebook account, I've decided to post what I actually think. I need a great hashtag that conveys something along the lines of "do what makes you happy, rather than what society commands/expects" with a dash of "fuck the haters" and a generous measure of "go ahead, be crazy." Ideas?
Stuff like: "Have a crappy wedding and a dream marriage." - Lo
Man, I don't use FriendFeed as much as I used to, but when I had a rough time and hit a wall, who's still there for me? FF. I <3 you guys!
:) - Anne Bouey
<3 - Heather
Have you ever had a tough week, and tried so hard to be positive about it, support everyone around you through their tears and drama, and then just hit a wall? No positivity left in you, only sadness and anger? And then you want a friend, but you realize everyone you know is out of town, and your husband went camping without you? Yeah, me neither.
If you hear about a big fire in Madison, don't worry. It's my workplace burning to the ground, but I probably made sure everyone got to safety first. - Lo
Pant less hugging? I need an alert for this! ((hugs)) - WoH: Professor MOTHRA
Ah, summer. Dancing barefoot in the grass FTW!
I invented a new pie! It's tentatively called Savoy Truffle Pie, and it's kinda like French Silk... only more dense and chocolatelicious. The latest version is sooooo creamy it probably violates decency laws in Southern states!
I can't post a picture, because any time I see it I start uncontrollably eating it. - Lo
patent it! - imabonehead
I need to know which southern states. Are we talking North Carolina only? - Ha3rvey (Free hugs)
Pics or did..NO, WAIT!! - Xabaras (G.O.)
Made a pie that might be TOO dark, rich, and chocolatey. It tastes great, but space-time seems to curve in its proximity.
Inconceivable - Steve C, Team Marina
MASSive! - Spidra Webster
A long time ago I posted about a co-worker who used to have my job, then ended up working under me & was VERY angry. It was hairy for a while, but I just tried to be understanding and things REALLY improved. Now it's her last day before a 4-month leave of absence (to visit her family in Mali), and I'm going to miss her so much! I love happy endings
I'm making a Skype account right now so we can keep in touch. I never could have guessed things would turn around so drastically. - Lo
Also, thanks as usual for the support and stellar advice, FF. It worked! - Lo
Last night my husband shaved my head! It looks as stupid as I always imagined :D
OMAN! You look like a rockstar! - Heather
Yes, it's quite cool (my ears get cold actually), but even better is the feeling of stuff touching my scalp. Standing in the shower is quite nice! - Lo
So I'm in this extremely stupid fight with what was a good friend. She's very angry with me on a regular basis & responds by pretending I don't exist, but refuses to discuss what can be done about it. I'm angry now because it feels terrible when I'm having a bad day and she pointedly ignores me. DIFFICULTY: We work together. I'm her supervisor. So...
Now what? I'm just ignoring being ignored, and things are stable and I don't feel so injured. But the natural solution of just drifting apart is not an option, because we work together EVERY SHIFT. I'm trying to change my schedule to get a couple days apart. If anyone has any other thoughts, I'm very interested :-D - Lo
I think your idea of a couple days apart may be a very, very good one. At the very least, you won't have that stress gnawing at you during that time. After that, I'm a bit lost - I think that if she's not willing to talk and work it out, you're somewhat limited in the things that you can do :( - Jennifer Dittrich
Sweet! To be clear, I'm not really looking for a solution... outside perspectives are usually helpful. I frequently ask for them from my husband, but conflict is not his thing. He looks like he wants to run away if I so much as describe this situation :-P My little Gandhi! - Lo
That's a tough one, hopefully time heals all wounds - Steve C, Team Marina
When I am dictator of the universe, actual consideration for other creatures will matter a lot. Superficial politeness WILL NOT BE REWARDED. OR TOLERATED.
At least you didn't say *I'm* nice. When someone says I'm nice (which is rare) I'm like HAVE YOU MET ME?!?!? - Lo
WHAT. You have dynamite teeth? That is AWESOME! I bet you can chew ANYTHING. - Lo
I feel... lonely. This is a recent development. Things are good with my husband, but I feel out of step and alienated when trying to relate to virtually every other human being on earth. Pretending to be normal has been so successful for me, I feel like I've lost part of myself. Where are the crazies?
They're absent from my life now, and while the lack of drama was nice at first, now I am so bored. - Lo
They're idiots/weirdos, but still neurotypical and actually incredible intolerant in their own way. I've actually never felt this much social pressure to fit in (since middle school). If you eat a GMO, you're basically going to hell. Plus I don't drink, so I'm a freak to begin with. - Lo
Hey plant FFeeps! I want to learn botany. Nothing specific, just brush up on my plant biology and learn more about my favorite living things. If anyone has any good book/information recommendations, let me know. Textbooks, scholarly papers, journals, pop-sci books, hippie odes to plants... it's all welcome!
I'm interested in this, too. I'm verrrrry slowly making my way through "Botany for Gardeners" http://www.amazon.com/gp... - Spidra Webster
Glad to hear it. I wish I were better at making my way through that book. I blame internet addiction. If I could afford another trip, I'd love to bring some books and some art materials and do a lot of the things I don't get done at home due to my living arrangements. Let us know how you like the other stuff you check out! - Spidra Webster
PSA: apparently if you get iritis while camping, taking advil and saying "it's not that bad, I'll walk it off" until your eye solidifies into jello is a bad thing. On the other hand, it's not like I went blind, and camping was really fun.
Plus I got to have an injection directly into the back of my eye, a story I can gross people out with for the rest of my life! I tried to get my husband to video it for you guys, but he was too scared to look. I married a pansy! - Lo
Well, I got worried when it stopped responding to light (doesn't that mean I'm in a coma?) but treatment continues and things are slowly getting better. It was probably stupid to wait to see a doctor, but so worth it. - Lo
Now that I've seen some amazing Utah scenery, I have to revise my opinion of the state. Before I thought it was a cesspool of failure. It's actually an incredible place occupied by hostile enemy forces. MAN does it have some amazing things!
(This post is useless without pictures, and I've taken many, but that will have to wait until I get a new computer.) - Lo
Mesa Verde, eh? We didn't see it, but I already know I want to come back. There are SO many cool things we had to pass by, next time I'm going to allow a month or something. - Lo
I try to think about career advancement & stuff at least sometimes, to compensate a little for my natural lack of ambition (a bottomless well of laziness!). But lately every time a new opportunity comes along, I eventually realize the job I already have is better. When I don't get an interview I'm relieved. That's a new one! #lifeisgood
If you love what you do now, why change? - Jenny H.