Help me, clever media types! Rather than delete my facebook account, I've decided to post what I actually think. I need a great hashtag that conveys something along the lines of "do what makes you happy, rather than what society commands/expects" with a dash of "fuck the haters" and a generous measure of "go ahead, be crazy." Ideas?
Stuff like: "Have a crappy wedding and a dream marriage." - Lo
And: "Dance like a lot of people are watching, and they think you are FUCKING CRAZY." - Lo
Or: "Not having children is very selfish, because the most selfless act a human can do is CREATE A GENETIC COPY OF THEMSELVES." - Lo
Yes, that's good. It even has the F-bomb! - Lo
And it implies masturbation! Thanks Jimminy! - Lo
Enjoy your journey for it is always and only about the journey - WarLord
A-fucking-men! #fucksocietyjustdoyourself - Lo
I can't think of how to stick the F-bomb in here: #BwhoUB - Victor Ganata
This is going to be so fun. - Lo