When I am dictator of the universe, actual consideration for other creatures will matter a lot. Superficial politeness WILL NOT BE REWARDED. OR TOLERATED.
At least you didn't say *I'm* nice. When someone says I'm nice (which is rare) I'm like HAVE YOU MET ME?!?!? - Lo
That's because this is FF, the anti-Facebook. Click a button when someone has a kid, post happy birthday in a box once a year, because THAT my friends, is a relationship! - Lo
Sorry, I'm not usually this... vehement. I just reached some sort of tipping point or something today. It's like in that movie Network; I'm ready to open my window and yell. - Lo
You just need to hang out on FF more. Because we're awesomer then FB and so are you. - Heather
I still love you, Heather. Just like the day we first "met" on Kiva :-) - Lo
We're all about keeping it superficial. Dynamite teeth today. - Eric @ CS Techcast
WHAT. You have dynamite teeth? That is AWESOME! I bet you can chew ANYTHING. - Lo