
Pastry chef!!!
Is it just me or is "Xavier Guillemane" an awesome name?
It is awesome. What is it from? Am I dumb? - Eric @ CS Techcast
The only thing coming up on Google is a developer of Podcast Addict. - OCoG of FF, Jimminy
Yeah, I use podcast addict and saw his name on it... he should be an x-man! He's not famous or anything. - Lo
I'm still sad they changed their logo... the old one was the rss symbol with a syringe, which is so perfect. I always thought "Yes! Put the radiolab right in my veins!" - Lo
How not to say the wrong thing - I approve this article! Helpful if you have a friend in a crisis and want to avoid being an insensitive jerk by accident. Because even if you didn't mean to hurt the feelings of your friend with cancer, it's still shitty if you do. "I had good intentions" seems like a weak excuse sometimes. - http://articles.latimes.com/2013...
People always tell me "it's the thought that counts," but in my experience I am responsible for the outcome of my actions 100% of the time, not just when I get the reaction I'm looking for... just sayin'! - Lo
According to this book I'm reading the reason Jefferson supported the Lewis & Clark expedition was he hoped they would find living mastodon, thus disproving the (at the time) radical new idea that species could go extinct, which conflicted with the predominant Biblical/creationist view. I don't remember learning that in school.
But come to think of it basically everything I have learned about Thomas Jefferson post-school has diminished my respect for the man, so I don't know why I'm even surprised that he was anti-evolution before it was cool. - Lo
That's awesome, Spidra! Way to be proactive. I prefer to just read books and complain :P - Lo
I was sitting here thinking "man, being lonely sucks," but then I was thinking "it's still better than Facebook," and then I remembered "oh yeah, friendfeed!" You still exist! Huzzah!
*waves* - Julian
I realized that as of 2013 I have dated/slept with someone from every major racial group (at least, in the US, and I think so... I'm really bad at keeping tab on racial distinctions). I feel like if that were my goal, that would be really messed up. But it happening naturally is something I find a little pleasing.
I may be going to hell, but think of all the fun people down there! - Lo
For dating? I think not? - MoTO Boychick Devil
so is "Pacific Islander" a separate category? I have always wanted to go to Hawaii! - Lo
Usually the week before my birthday I disable posting on my Facebook wall, just to fuck with people. I hate only hearing the same three words once a year from many "friends." It just feels fake to me. This year, due to happy circumstance, I was out of the country on my birthday. No cell service. And so I suspended my Facebook account before I left
You guys, I almost COMPLETELY skipped my birthday! It was awesome! - Lo
Nice to see you here again! Glad you enjoyed your birthday! - Anne Bouey
Finally! First showing in Wisconsin tonight... I can't remember the last time I was this excited for a movie! Looks like the good old Wes Anderson is back!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch...
I recently read that 10% of adults in the US are former Catholics. That seems so high, but on the other hand this came up when we realized at game night that every single one of us was raised Catholic, and only one person still called himself Catholic - but hadn't been to church in years.
This explains a lot about why people are so crazy for this new pope. - Lo
Bet nobody's made Anti-Pope on a Rope soap yet... - Spidra Webster
I miss posting here more often. But I'm not sure how to package the difficult changes I'm enacting in my life - in myself, really - right now into bite-sized FF chunks. Plus nobody's interested in that sort of thing. I guess I could just post pictures of kittens and stuff. Or all the cakes I bake every day.
I don't know about other people but I'M interested in that sort of thing! - Spidra Webster
Tell us, but please also give us sugary treats. - Eric @ CS Techcast
After years of drawing semi-autobiographical, semi-fantasy comics starring myself as a rather unorthodox hero, I - just now! - finally figured out my secret superhero identity: the unfortunate hulk. I'm so excited!!! It's so me.
Lately it's come up a few times how I feel like the Hulk sometimes, but I always think "I don't know what's so incredible about it." - Lo
http://www.amazon.com/gp... Hothead Paisan has a bit of a different sex life... - Spidra Webster
Last night a college friend called me from a bar and listed all the other college people who were there having a good time. They angrily yelled "why aren't you guys here?" I was all "why aren't we where?" Turns out two of our friends are getting married today. They forgot to invite both me and my husband. Ouch.
Ooof. That sucks. And then to get yelled at for it. - OCoG of FF, Jimminy
True that! :) More time for people who are worth it! - Lo
Lately I am being me and making no apologies for that. It's well outside what I'm used to, but feels pretty incredible. Now I see why there's so much hype about self-esteem.
<3 Good for you, Lo. - Jenny H.
"I see why there's so much hype about self-esteem" is my new favorite. - t-ra: sentimental gorgon
Recently I had a really upsetting, disorienting, unexpectedly vicious e-mail from my roommate. I was upset, then later that night that fanfic I'm super excited about (see http://friendfeed.com/lostlo...) was updated with a new chapter. And that chapter... was dedicated... to ME! She dedicates them to fans. It's embarrassing just how excited I was. Am!
Normally I'd say "don't judge me," but you know what? You can. I don't even care. It's that awesome! - Lo
Hey, congrats on the dedication! - Spidra Webster
I just went "squee!" for the first time in my life. Now I know why they call it that. :D
What's the occasion? - Spidra Webster
Over the last week, the biggest consequence of unemployment has been massive quantities of delicious treats. I'm actually starting to gain weight, which I think requires a minimum of 5,000 calories per day. In fact, guess who has browned butter cream cheese chocolate chip cookies in the oven right now?
Through a hookup with a UNFI account, I bought a 25 pound case of chocolate chips. Specifically, Guittard chocolate chips. Twenty five luscious pounds of them. Just a few feet away from my mouth... I'll be right back... - Lo
I deleted my twitter. I liked it. Now I'm wondering what else I can get rid of. I'm looking at you, Facebook...
Just so long as you stick around here! - Heather
I quit my job, effective Feb. 12, and boy do I feel great about it!
Happy trails. - MoTO Boychick Devil
Good luck on the next steps - Steve C, Team Marina
I beat my husband at chess for the first time ever! My king offered amnesty & their freedom to his pawns in exchange for their peaceful surrender. Most of them accepted, and boy his king did not see that coming.
Then his knight took mine, but in the biblical sense, and the hot white-on-black horse action took them out of the game completely. It was way more fun than I remember chess from back in school. - Lo
Awesome! I am terrible at chess, but I really like it. :) - Jenny H.
Last night we had our first event (for our new catering company), a Winter Harvest Supper. The production went quite well, and the food was amazing. Unfortunately, turnout was very poor; we probably lost $600. So I guess we'll get back on the horse, and hopefully learn something about marketing? We're not quitting, at least not yet...
Sorry y'all didn't have a better turnout. :-/ - Jenny H.
Marriage licenses for same-sex couples - This picture totally made my day! So exciting. - http://www.spokesman.com/picture...
I feel like this at least once a month at my job, and yet I never get credit on my performance evaluation for NOT shooting out all the windows. *sigh* - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
I just had my first legit performance evaluation. If they didn't give me 'exceeds expectations' across the board, I was prepared to start shooting out some windows. ;) - Jenny H.
you gotta recite Ezekiel 25:17 - Big Joe Silenced
Oh man, that's a good idea Joe. I am pretty close to that point. If my manager's going to act like I'm a problem when I'm being super accommodating, I might as well just be a problem and not waste so much energy. - Lo
Busta Rhymes - Gimme Some More - Is it weird that I would totally do Busta, even if he was wearing that crazy blue makeup? - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
Lo's Sure-Fire Technique to protect yourself from uncomfortable/boring/infuriating discussions about politics: As soon as you realize political talk has commenced, immediately drop everything you're holding and start passionately kissing the speaker. If speaker is not present (tv, radio) go for the nearest person. Giggity!
In a few seconds, no one will be talking about politics. - Lo
I have tried this once and it worked 100% of the time. Warning: side effects may occur. - Lo
de la soul ft redman oooh[original song] - YouTube - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
I love this song, but I had no idea the video was so awesome! We're in the land of Oooh! - Lo
And is that Dave Chappelle?!?!?! - Lo
Yep, it looks like it. I doubt De La ever had a bigger budget video. This was the era of big budget rap videos. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki.... - Eric @ CS Techcast
My dream of many years seems to be coming true. My good friend from work is starting a catering business on the side, and I'm one of the four people getting it off the ground. I've wanted to help someone create a small, successful business for the at least a decade. If you've opened a business, tell me whatever you wish someone had told you! :D
Best part, he said I'm allowed to create my own title. I'm leaning towards "Master of Desserts." - Lo
An important reminder. Remember that everything costs more than you think it does, especially if you are trying to grow. Don't low-ball your prices and end up with no profit. - Eric @ CS Techcast
Also, make sure you have roles/responsibilities and REWARDS all on paper and agreed. It's very easy to get caught up in the excitement and find out down the line that your hard work is lining someone else's pocket. But also - YAY! So happy for you! - WoH: Professor MOTHRA
Yeah, everything costs more than my partners think, but luckily my natural cynicism prepared me for that. :D Thanks for the useful tips about prices and clear agreements... good things to think about. - Lo
As of today, I think that every single bill I'll ever get will be auto-paid. HA HA! VICTORY IS MINE!
Capital one FINALLY added an auto-pay feature, my health insurance starts online billing tomorrow, and I asked my dentist office if they can just keep my CC info on file and pay whatever I owe them without bothering me. Now I'll be even more clueless about how much money I have! - Lo
Yesterday we went canoeing on the Wisconsin River, in supposedly the best conditions all year. The leaves just started changing. Then we went to the closing night of Radiolab's live show "In the Dark" where we sat in the third row and I wept with joy. Best day of the year!
Jad & Robert looked almost exactly how I pictured them, which hardly ever happens!! - Lo
Has anyone out there ever made real French Silk pie? Is the texture truly that amazing?
By "real," I mean not chocolate cream pie, but the old-school recipe with raw eggs beaten in at the end. - Lo
Awesome! A while back I experimented with adding cooked syrup to raw eggs so they reached safe temp. I don't mind eating raw eggs, but other people are wusses & even I can't eat a whole chocolate pie by myself (well, not in one sitting). But now I want to go for it. That genre of dessert is my absolute favorite. *drools thinking about silky chocolate* - Lo
Today I get to use "Lady Gaga" and "heartwarming" in the same sentence. WOW! ‘Bulimia and Anorexia Since I Was 15’: Lady Gaga Responds to ‘Fat’ Headlines With Half-Naked Pics and a Confession - http://jezebel.com/5946233...
Raise your hand if you ARE better off now than you were four years ago!
*raises both hands* - Lo
I'm finding it hard to compare - I think I am about the same, except for not working much lately - Iphigenie
You down with OPP?
Yeah, you know me! Wait whut? - Scoble, Alex Scoble
Who's down with OPP? This whole party! And Alex Scoble! - Lo
So if there were a button you could press, and it would undo all of civilization -- not actually hurt anyone, but just rewind back to the stone age, or maybe change the crucial moment that man began agriculture -- would you do it? Consider it? Would anything change your answer, like global warming getting much worse?
Do we keep our knowledge of the world as it is right now? - Johnny
Well said, Kelli, although it's possible that climate change might not be an issue were it not for humanity's thing. I'm pretty anti-agriculture, but only because I was so astonished to learn how bad its development was for people. I had the impression that people had continually grown healthier (greater height, longer life) as time has passed. The reality is that human health, height, and lifespan all went down dramatically when we started living in one place, and have slowly returned to where we were before -- except the many people living in poverty, who are still screwed. That's not to mention the vast increase in disease and exploitation of others that go hand-in-hand with high population density. They didn't teach me any of that in school. In the end, there's nothing I can do about it, and that's clearly a good thing. If it were up to me we'd all be writing this on cave walls :P - Lo