I recently read that 10% of adults in the US are former Catholics. That seems so high, but on the other hand this came up when we realized at game night that every single one of us was raised Catholic, and only one person still called himself Catholic - but hadn't been to church in years.
This explains a lot about why people are so crazy for this new pope. - Lo
He seems to be less of an embarrassment. I sense relief :) - Eivind
The part of me that likes him is the part of me that's been ashamed of my childhood faith, yes. The thing is, if he were just a friend I'd dismiss him for his not-that-long-ago anti-gay remarks. I like a lot of things he says, but the jury's still out. I've been surprised by hardcore atheists and agnostics I know falling all over themselves talking about how awesome he is... but now it makes sense, they must be former Catholics. - Lo
Eivind Explains It All :) - Lo
I don't think it's hard or disingenuous to view him as an improvement on Benedict in many respects. However, he ain't the second coming. ;-) Signed, a fellow ex-Catholic - Spidra Webster
If he were hailed the second coming, he'd be the anti-pope. - Micah
Bet nobody's made Anti-Pope on a Rope soap yet... - Spidra Webster