Usually the week before my birthday I disable posting on my Facebook wall, just to fuck with people. I hate only hearing the same three words once a year from many "friends." It just feels fake to me. This year, due to happy circumstance, I was out of the country on my birthday. No cell service. And so I suspended my Facebook account before I left
You guys, I almost COMPLETELY skipped my birthday! It was awesome! - Lo
Plus I got to spend it looking at a castle in the Mediterranean... that's got to be worth like 35,325,654,234,436,924 impersonal wall posts. And just one FB friend remembered my birthday and figured out how to contact me via other means. Which made it actually kind of touching. - Lo
But I gotta be honest... I am really debating whether or not to go back. I mean, I like for people to be able to find me, but also... I really don't miss thinking "I should post this to Facebook!" every time something cool happens. Well, sometimes I think about it, but I don't do it. My friend (who traveled with me) agreed that we would not tell anyone about anything that happened on the trip... instead we just say "What happened in Greece stays in Greece" which makes it sound a lot cooler than it probably was. - Lo
HI!!! Fun side effect of no FB: my Grand Budapest Hotel frenzy brought me back to the FF main feed! - Lo
So is it weird that privacy feels like some strange luxury? Doing something and not sharing it almost feels... kinky. - Lo
LOOK EVERYBODY, IT'S LO! - MoTO Boychick Devil
HAPPY BIRTHDAY LO! (Sorry!) Glad to see you back. - Stephen Mack
Okay, it's settled. Forget FB, and I will endeavor to return to FF. I'm glad to see there are still people here! It was always my favorite :D - Lo
Stephen, it's ok, you said more than three words. And appear to know who I am. Do you ever get the FB messages from people who are clearly having a hard time placing you? I do. Or at least, I used to :) - Lo
You're Lo the Baker, duh! - Stephen Mack
Happy birthday, Lo! - Stephan Planken
I'm with you. I have my birthday turned off in FB. I figure the 6-8 family people who really care about me already know my bday. - Back to just Joe
(Sorry, couldn't resist.) - Stephan Planken
You cain't quit us. - Spidra Webster
Glad you're back! - Friar Will
Nice to see you here again! Glad you enjoyed your birthday! - Anne Bouey