After years of drawing semi-autobiographical, semi-fantasy comics starring myself as a rather unorthodox hero, I - just now! - finally figured out my secret superhero identity: the unfortunate hulk. I'm so excited!!! It's so me.
Lately it's come up a few times how I feel like the Hulk sometimes, but I always think "I don't know what's so incredible about it." - Lo
It's funny, a few days after posting this I turned green for 36 hours. Straight up busting out of my clothes angry. Miraculously no animals were harmed, and no relationships destroyed. I need to figure out how to use that shit to stop bad guys, because no one is going to read a comic where my alter ego just angrily bakes cakes and tries not to scream at the dishwashers. - Lo
Hahaha! I think it would be hilarious to see a short comic where you bust out of your clothes, leaving you with only a purple rag bikini and a rage to bake soufflés. - Spidra Webster
^^ from rags to rages - John (bird whisperer)
<3 Spidra. While hashing it out with the person who triggered the rage (it turned out to be simply a misunderstanding), I stamped my foot at one point, and he was all "I am leaving this conversation if you can't control your temper." It took everything I had not to be like HA HA HA ARE YOU KIDDING I COULD BE BURNING YOUR HOUSE DOWN RIGHT NOW YOU HAVE NO IDEA. - Lo
ZING! Nice, John. - Lo
I'm totally stealing that for the comic. Save this conversation the lawsuit :P - Lo
I totally think you should do that as a comic. I assume you've read Hothead Paisan? - Spidra Webster
No, but obviously I should and will check it out now. I used to draw comics sometimes, and in recent years when I've been frustrated by limitations expressing myself in the formats I'm currently using, I've thought about doing them again. Sites like the Oatmeal and Hyperbole and a Half that mix drawings, words, and typed chunks of text have been kinda inspiring to me. - Lo
I mention her because Hothead Paisan would have been yelling "I COULD BE BURNING YOUR HOUSE DOWN RIGHT NOW" (if not actively on her way to do it) rather than just thinking it. :) - Spidra Webster
Yeah, and she'd be getting dumped immediately and missing the hot hot sexy times :P - Lo
http://www.amazon.com/gp... Hothead Paisan has a bit of a different sex life... - Spidra Webster