Last night my husband shaved my head! It looks as stupid as I always imagined :D
OMAN! You look like a rockstar! - Heather
A co-worker who I don't know well but really love is fighting a recurrence of breast cancer, and posted publicly on our message board about losing her hair and looking for support. I thought this would make her smile, but now I'm like WORST IDEA EVER. - Lo
Was this a practical joke he pulled on you while you were sleeping, or did you ask him to do this? That's not clear from your OP. - COMPLICATED MR. NOODLE
I asked him to do it, but there was very little thought put into it. I have a feeling I'm not going to get laid for a while... LOL - Lo
Holy shit, you have the BEST face/head shape for going bald. :D You do not look stupid at all. :) I think what you did fucking rocks. :D - Hookuh Tinypants
I don't think you look stupid, Lo. Plus, you're doing a good thing, IMHO. Hush. - Ha3rvey (Free hugs)
Okay, good. As long as she likes it, but in the light of morning I'm like "does this make sense?" Hey, if there weren't crushing doubt it wouldn't be me! - Lo
you ROCK !! and its looks kewl on you.. - Peter Dawson
Dudette, you look good bald, man you have a dream head. You look great. Oh snap you did it with good motives even better. But just like that even with no bonus motives you look good young lady. - Steve C, Team Marina
I'm pre-dreading all the "OH MY GOD WHY DID YOU DO THIS THING" comments. I'm making a list of snappy comebacks, like "I trepanned myself, and didn't want to just shave a small patch" or "I saw something really scary and it all fell out." - Lo
You guys are the best, THANK YOU <3 - Lo
"My friend paid me $500 to do it." - Ha3rvey (Free hugs)
Oooh, good one. How about "Israel made us a deal - if 10,000 American women shave their heads, there will be peace in the Middle East." Maybe I can get other people to join me :P - Lo
"I got tired of people not knowing exactly how awesome my head really is." - Hookuh Tinypants
Ahahahaha, love it! :D - Lo
"It's a sex thing" also occurred to me. - Lo
"Water conservation" "Shampoo protest movement" "Gandhi solidarity" - Steve C, Team Marina
Oooh, those are good! It does conserve water, I took the shortest shower of my life last night. - Lo
I think it looks great on you and I am a bit of an expert. ;) - Kisha
I admire women who have the courage to do this, whether it's in support of someone going through cancer, for St. Baldrick's events, or whatever. I think of it as giving your hair and scalp a do-over. - Corinne L
Thumbs up! This is so "ballzy"! :) Sinead O'Connor, watch out! - CarlC
you will be amazed how fast it grows. I shave my head down every summer and it is down to my shoulders right now and I am waiting to get it down soon. ps how did I miss you getting married? - VALZONE#SCREWED
I love the response "It's a sex thing." I'm also partial to "I didn't.....OH NO!" - Heather
Update: I brought some muffins and went to visit Cindy (the aforementioned co-worker). She actually cried a little bit, which is supposedly very rare. The rest of her team was like OMG THAT WAS AWESOME. So it was worth it, even if my immediate co-workers in the kitchen are like WTF. I mean, it's just hair. Also I <3 all you guys, I was freaking out this morning and you gave me the courage to keep my hairless head up! - Lo
Heather, I am using that one tonight! My housemates don't know yet. Also, I'm sorry I missed your birthday!!!! You still complete me :D - Lo
<3 - Heather
Also...no hairnet needed in the kitchen. - m9m, Crone of FriendFeed
your husband could'nt manage to hide your beauty, bad luck - Burakk
Lo, girl, you have a nice head! And the reactions of your Co workers confirm that this was a great decision. Proud of you! - Starmama
once the initial shock wears off, you're going to love the way it feels and how your hair grows back differently. enjoy it! - t-ra: sentimental gorgon
This really made my morning, Lo! You are so spontaneous in your love for people, it's inspiring. You look amazing and don't forget the sunscreen! :) - WoH: Professor MOTHRA
LOVE IT! You look great! - Shannon - GlassMistress
I smile like a fool, every time this pops up in my feed! You're beautiful, Lo! - vicster.
I love you guys! Lately I've been missing the "old days" of warm fuzzies and FF bonding... thanks for bringing the magic back! And gosh, it is nice to kiss my husband without my hair getting in our faces :D - Lo
Yes, it's quite cool (my ears get cold actually), but even better is the feeling of stuff touching my scalp. Standing in the shower is quite nice! - Lo