What the heck, FF?!? My last tomato of the season was a small green thing that I put on a shelf and forgot. After a month, maybe six weeks, it oh so gradually started to turn red. It blushed and softened like a tomato on the vine, until it's turned completely red. Is that normal? IS THIS A ZOMBIE TOMATO?
*attaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack of the zombie tomaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatoooo* - Lo
The stem is still in it. Might that have helped? - Julian
Well, I was about to eat it. - Lo
If you eat a zombie, do you become a zombie? Think about that. - Eric - Final Countdown
It's normal, if the shelf was in the sun. You can stick them in a cold dark place, and they won't continue to ripen as fast. Amazing fruit, though I don't like them. Edit: Just realized the time period, so I'm going to guess it was in a cold dark place. - OCoG of FF, Jimminy
Yes, it's normal. Even in a cold dark place, they'll eventually ripen. Particularly if they're near anything that gives off ethylene gas like apples or bananas. - Spidra Webster
*watches tomato shamble off in search of Captain Rhodes* - Big Joe Silenced
Attack of the killer tomatoes - VALZONE#SCREWED
poor thing, it just wants to ketchup. - Lnorigb
they say that if you pick your tomatoes green at the end of the summer, they will ripen. Nice to know that is true. - amelia arapoff