Red Tails - GO SEE THIS MOVIE OPENING WEEKEND. Please. It's about the Tuskegee airmen. If you are too broke, DM me & I'll buy you a ticket. Pretty please! (If you're wondering why, see comments.) - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
George Lucas started pre-production on this movie in 1988, for release in 1992. No studio would finance a movie with an all-black cast. Ultimately Lucas paid for the film & distribution from his own pocket. He said on the Daily Show that there's much more to the story; if opening weekend box office numbers are good, it will be a trilogy with prequel & sequel. - Lo
The only thing sadder than this story not being more frequently told is that attempts to tell it are still hampered by discrimination. So let us send a message with our dollars, yes? - Lo
Plus, it looks badass. Expensive special effects + WWII air battles? Hell yeah. - Lo
I'll go see it. - Eric - Final Countdown
Yay! Thank you, Eric. - Lo
This looks great! I will try to see it ASAP! - Jenny H.
Woohoo! - Lo
Bonus: the screenplay is co-authored by Aaron McGruder, famed creator of The Boondocks - Lo
For the record, I am serious about subsidizing folks going if needed :) - Lo
Can't DM you, Lo. - Spidra Webster
Sorry about that! :) - Lo
I wanted to see this even before your plea. Can't wait! - Just another Bubba
Woohoo! - Lo
I'm going to see if my dad wants to go with me. I got chills watching the trailer. - Jennifer Dittrich
I sent the trailer link to my dad. He's a big fan of vintage airplanes. He griped a bit about the CGI (not by name but saying that it didn't look like actual combat footage). I had to tell him that even George Lucas probably couldn't talk vintage airplane owners into shooting up and crashing their planes... - Spidra Webster
Awesome! I'm going with my dad, too :-) - Lo
I'll go see it because I want to. You don't have to beg or bribe me. George Lucas spends a little bit of his own dough and now he's going on the Daily Show to beg people to see it? Oh brother. - chrisofspades
My son has seen the previews and really wants to see it. We typically don't go to the movies, so we will likely see it on DVD at some point. - Alan
Nope, GL didn't beg, he was just a guest like the Daily Show has every day. I think the main point is to get the word out there, since there doesn't seem to be much (if any) advertising. I am asking because racial discrimination is an issue that's important to me, and I don't think having a black cast (rather than altering history to include major white roles) is really so radical, and should be an acceptable feature of mainstream entertainment. - Lo
Also, I don't think I'm bribing anyone to do anything. Are college scholarships bribery? LOL! - Lo
Yay! I get to see it in three hours! My folks saw it twice already :-P - Lo
It was awesome! And the theater was at least half full. In Wisconsin! I particularly enjoyed seeing so many old white folks watch all those previews for Tyler Perry movies. - Lo
Haha! They showed Tyler Perry previews here, too. - Spidra Webster