GUESS WHAT GUYS. I'm going to get SCUBA certified. I have desperately wanted to for 18 years, and I realized I am out of excuses. I do publicly & solemnly swear that I will be Open Water Certified by the end of 2012. #JustDoIt
Diving the Great Barrier Reef is on my bucket list, and I also hope to do that before we have completely destroyed it. - Lo
Awesome. Other cool places to check out: the Blue Hole in Belize, the Wall in the Turks & Caicos. - Kevin (aka ThreadKilla)
Having researched what's involved, I can't believe how easy it is. It has seemed like the most far-off pipe dream for so long. - Lo
Sweet. thank for the tip Mark :) - Lo
Lake Superier and the wrecks. BTW, check out camera pictures would be teh AWESOME - WarLord