Next week I'm going camping for the first time in my life! I hope to see the Grand Canyon, Pando (the enormous tree), and hopefully the Milky Way (from Utah's Dark Triangle). It's also my honeymoon - finally. I'm so excited you guys!!!!!
From reading up on campsites, it seems like nobody does it in March. Which means lots of privacy! :) If the tent's a-rockin'.... - Lo
Have fun! - John (bird whisperer)
We decided to go to Bryce Canyon instead of the Grand Canyon, which is "way better" according to my father. It's also at the end of what's supposed to be THE best scenic drive in the US. He said, "The Grand Canyon is OK for a day. But only one day, max!" I am a chip off the ol' block! - Lo
Bryce Canyon is gorgeous! I hope you both have a great honeymoon! - Jenny H.
Wonderful - Steve C, Team Marina
It gets better: after searching fruitlessly online for the exact location of Pando (the tree), I just happened to bump into a friend who just happened to have a genetics paper that happened to have a map of exactly which trees are part of Pando! After so many problems, things are falling into place :-D Only three more hours of work! - Lo
The scenery on roads leading to North Rim of Grand Canyon is spectacular and I actually liked my pictures from the North Rimv overlook better than South. #YMMV - WarLord
WarLord, I have heard the North Rim is great, and the scenic highway to it is legendary. Unfortunately, the NR & the highway are still closed for the winter. I figure we'll get to the Grand Canyon someday, and then I'll definitely do that drive. - Lo