Ken Sheppardson

Working on Econetic ( See also
Yes. - Johnny
Shoot. I jinxed it. Sorry :-( - Ken Sheppardson
I've got 6 days to get this made:
Obama's Secret Weapon In The South - NPR -
"Look at this map, and notice that deep, deep in the Republican South, there's a thin blue band stretching from the Carolinas through Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi. These are the counties that went for Obama in the last election. A blue crescent in a sea of red. These same counties went mostly blue in 2004 and 2000. Why? Well, the best answer, says marine biologist Craig McClain, may be an old one, going back before the Civil War, before 1776, before Columbus, back more than 100 million years to the days when the Deep South was under water. Those counties, as he writes here, went for Obama because trillions and trillions and trillions of teeny sun-loving creatures died there. He's talking about plankton. That's why the Republicans can't carry those counties. Blame plankton." - Ken Sheppardson
Very interesting. - rønin
"The real winner tonight appears to be Hillary Clinton, who Nate Silver is now projecting at 68% chance of victory over Jebb Bush" -- Daily Show
Fox News has a pretty amazing map showing the whole country with the red/blue overlay at the county level. Even within blue states, you can see the majority of the counties seem to be red. I don't think it's quite the point they're trying to make, but it's interesting to see the extent to which this is/was urban vs. rural.
Maybe next time around we can save everybody a whole lot of work and just outsource the election to Nate Silver.
I keep looking at the red, blue and yellow map they're using on CNN thinking this looks awfully familiar... Then it occurred to me... -
Hawks vs. scolds: How ‘reverse tribalism’ affects climate communication | Grist -
"When the public asks, “Did climate change cause this?” they are asking a confused question. It’s like asking, “Did steroids cause the home run Barry Bonds hit on May 12, 2006?” There’s no way to know whether Bonds would have hit the home run without steroids. But who cares? Steroids mean more home runs. That’s what matters. By answering “yes” to a confused question, climate hawks cement that confusion and get themselves involved in an endless squabble that has the surface appearance of a scientific dispute, but is almost entirely a semantic dispute over the meaning of “cause.”" - Ken Sheppardson
Clear Eyes, Full Hearts, Can’t Use: ‘Friday Night Lights’ Director Disses Romney - ABC News -
"At campaign stops across Iowa and Ohio this month Mitt Romney has been riling up crowds with his take on the pre-game chant from the fiction Texas football show “Friday Night Lights.” “Clear eyes, full hearts and America can’t lose,” the GOP candidate has said on the stump. But for “Friday Night Lights” writer and director Peter Berg, Romney’s adaptation of his rally cry isn’t inspiring. He is calling it plagiarism." - Ken Sheppardson
Nice summary of Game 1
"The fat guy is swinging...." - Ken Sheppardson
Things the Giants needed to do tonight:
Wear down Verlander and knock him out of the game --> CHECK - Ken Sheppardson
Get two wins at home while saving Cain for the road (and Game 7, if necessary) --> So far so good... - Ken Sheppardson
Woohoo!! "You will have an opportunity to purchase 2012 Giants Postseason tickets online only." If only there were actually, like... y'know... seats available.
"There is no guarantee of ticket availability" - Ken Sheppardson
By the time I got this, first game was sold out. For the second game, their site said there were no two tickets available together. Third game at AT&T (i.e. 6th game of the series), Standing Room Only. Meanwhile, seats for all the games are on Stubhub. Hmm. - Ken Sheppardson
...shenanigans... and ticket-price inflation for sure! - .LAG liked that
I can't hear/see "Gangnam Style" without picturing the old dancing Six Flags guy. Now neither can you. Sorry.
"[Y]ou may have heard the whispers about the new breed of monitors being sold in Korea under various brand names for astonishingly low prices. They sound almost too good to be true: expansive 27" displays at the formidable resolution of 2560x1440 selling for peanuts, between $300 and $400" --...
Got mine yesterday. After a bit of futzing with the mini Display Port to Dual Link adapter from Apple ($99) necessary to get the $317 (shipped) First FSM-270YG talking to my 27" iMac, I'm all set. Pretty much indistinguishable from the iMac screen. - Ken Sheppardson
For company that prides themselves so much on user experience, Apple's SMB support systems are a disaster.
Small/Medium Business, I mean. "Bring your laptop to the Genius Bar" doesn't scale too well. - Ken Sheppardson
Excellent. Now I'm me at Google.
Requested? How? :) - Claudio Cicali
I got an email back on Aug 24 telling me I could either take +KenSheppardson or request an alternative. I asked for kshep (Twitter handle, FF username,, etc) and check the checkbox indicating it's my "widely known online identity" or some such. Today the told me it was approved. - Ken Sheppardson
Just a little PSA: Don't ever use a work email address for any online service that's not work related or your use of which you expect to last longer than your employment. You'd be amazed at the things you see show up at a Google Apps domain catch-all address after an account has been deleted.
Not just email addresses, but I recommend keeping work & home separate for everything. It's a little less convenient but it pays off if you ever want to change jobs. - Amit Patel
And don't use your ISP's email address for anything permanent, either. Makes it v hard to change providers. - WoH: Professor MOTHRA
Dear Sales Guy whose job it is to talk on the phone all day: My job does not involve talking on the phone all day. The fact that your response to my question sent via email yesterday is to send me an email today asking to schedule a call tomorrow rather than simply answering my question. It's just mildly infuriating. No sale. Sorry.
I get this constantly, or variations on it: I ask a question via email, I get VM back from a sales person. Instead of just answering my question, they ask me to call them back. If/when I do call, the don't tell me anything they couldn't have typed in an email in 10 seconds.... but then they wouldn't have had the opportunity to try to Close me. Sales today is just broken. - Ken Sheppardson
Nice to get a sanity check every once in a while that some things require a bit more effort than a few guys eating raman noodles and typing in a loft somewhere for a few months...
"In early June 2007, the Mars Science Laboratory project completed its project-wide Critical Design Review (CDR), which marks the completion of the project's design phase and transition into the build up of flight hardware" -- - Ken Sheppardson
So much for arguments about 1 vs 2 week iterations and whether or not to have daily standups - Ken Sheppardson
I doubt anybody at JPL ever used the phrase "Minimum Viable Product" - Ken Sheppardson
"Standing by for bat shield separation"
NASA TV totally needs to have Bob Costas pop on for a minute then cut to commercial.
"We'll be back for the conclusion of the flight after these messages from our sponsors." - Ken Sheppardson
Just killing time until the Curiosity landing watching jokes about the 14min signal delay from Mars -vs- NBC tape delay from London scroll by on twitter.
Everybody acts like they're surprised NBC has mucked up the Olympics. US television coverage is ALWAYS awful. I remember as a kid in Michigan in the 80s I was so thankful we could get the CBC coverage of the Winter games. They covered it as a sporting event, not a two week long human interest story.
The prime time coverage would be unbearable if we watched it live. - Heather
"Facebook’s high-profile CTO Bret Taylor is leaving the Silicon Valley social networking giant later this summer, with future plans to work on an undetermined start-up." --
"Taylor, who had previously worked at Google, has a strong start-up background. He left the search giant to found FriendFeed, a once-popular social aggregator. FriendFeed was acquired by Facebook in 2009." - Ken Sheppardson
I sort of forgot this was happening. I hope the remaining FF team at FB remembers to keep the lights on here. - Laura Norvig
Some new Nikon D600 specs... 39 AF points, 5 fps, 2 SD card slots, GPS, HD video... The sensor inside the D600 will probably be 24MP, entry level full frame camera. Auto DX crop mode. The price of the D600 is rumored to be very low - maybe as low as $1500 --
Feels a bit like the D7000 replacement and good backup option for D800 owners. Might be time to sell off some gear and get ready to pre-order... - Ken Sheppardson
You can already grab a D700 for under $2K on eBay. It's not hard to imagine that a $1500 D600 would drop that down to $1200-1300...which is a pretty crazy price for a full frame camera. I'll bet there are a few D3 owners who want to stick with CF who'd grab a(nother) D700... and a D700 + 50mm f/1.8D kit for under $1500 seems like a pretty slick art/photography student/purist option. - Ken Sheppardson
Nikon D800 tested at DxOMark, gets the #1 spot -
"After the Nikon D4 got the second best DxOMark overal score on Tuesday, today there is a new king - the Nikon D800 is the new #1 - it even got a higher score than the Phase One IQ180 digital back." - Ken Sheppardson
They're going to have to rescale things soon ;) - Amit Patel
Just migrated from SmugMug over to Zenfolio. Not that there was anything really wrong with SmugMug--I've been a relatively happy user for years now--but Zenfolio just feels much cleaner to me.
Oh, wow... that loads much, much faster than SmugMug ever has for me. And I like the simple, clean look and feel as well. - Michael W. May
Yeah, I think it's addressed pretty much every little thing I wanted to tweak in SmugMug. Also, much nicer on the admin side. - Ken Sheppardson
No FriendFeed...
Well then, I'll just go *BUMP* FF so it appears on top again. - Micah
FF: Here is a picture of me eating the best donut EVAR. Everyone post pictures of themselves eating their favorite donuts with me! - Mrs. Alix May