Some new Nikon D600 specs... 39 AF points, 5 fps, 2 SD card slots, GPS, HD video... The sensor inside the D600 will probably be 24MP, entry level full frame camera. Auto DX crop mode. The price of the D600 is rumored to be very low - maybe as low as $1500 --
Feels a bit like the D7000 replacement and good backup option for D800 owners. Might be time to sell off some gear and get ready to pre-order...
- Ken Sheppardson
Another full frame option. I've been telling myself I will stay in the DX sensor camp, but they are making that a harder decision.
- Eric @ CS Techcast
Yeah, it's not getting any easier. Since everybody with a phone basically has a camera now, their entire business sorta has to shift to getting people to upgrade. It's no longer "how do we get you to buy a camera', it's "how do we get you to buy a newer, BETTER camera". Phone owners to Powershots, Powershots to 1, 1 to DX, DX to FX.
- Ken Sheppardson
May be the camera I ditch my D90 for...
- Kevin (aka ThreadKilla)
I'm wondering about my D700. Will it keep it's resale value? It certainly was more expensive than $1500 but if these rumors are true the D600 will basically be everything my D700 is except for the lack of a motor (which doesn't bother me in the slightest).
- Benjamin Golub
You can already grab a D700 for under $2K on eBay. It's not hard to imagine that a $1500 D600 would drop that down to $1200-1300...which is a pretty crazy price for a full frame camera. I'll bet there are a few D3 owners who want to stick with CF who'd grab a(nother) D700... and a D700 + 50mm f/1.8D kit for under $1500 seems like a pretty slick art/photography student/purist option.
- Ken Sheppardson