Ken Sheppardson

Working on Econetic ( See also
Just migrated from SmugMug over to Zenfolio. Not that there was anything really wrong with SmugMug--I've been a relatively happy user for years now--but Zenfolio just feels much cleaner to me.
Oh, wow... that loads much, much faster than SmugMug ever has for me. And I like the simple, clean look and feel as well. - Michael W. May
Yeah, I think it's addressed pretty much every little thing I wanted to tweak in SmugMug. Also, much nicer on the admin side. - Ken Sheppardson
No FriendFeed...
Well then, I'll just go *BUMP* FF so it appears on top again. - Micah
FF: Here is a picture of me eating the best donut EVAR. Everyone post pictures of themselves eating their favorite donuts with me! - Mrs. Alix May
"There are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns – there are things we do not know we don't know." - D Rumsfeld
I think I've finally reached a sort of Twitter equilibrium: the constant stream of people unfollowing me as they realize I no longer have the job I had that caused them to follow me is now just about exactly offset by those following me because they actually care what I'm saying.
Congratulations to all the former FriendFeed staff on the Facebook IPO! I'd sure like to know what the effective valuation of FriendFeed turns out to be post IPO. That is, the collective value of all the Facebook stock held by former FriendFeed employees. -
Oh yeah. Holy shit, where's the party? - Eric @ CS Techcast
Nice. Thanks for the links. There's an interesting list of other acquisitions here - - Ken Sheppardson
This started on Facebook, but I just thought I'd carry it over here: What was the #1 song the week you were born? The Troggs - Wild Thing
Because of You - Tony Bennett that would be 1951 and #yesiamveryold - WarLord
"I am inventing electricity, and you look like an....."
New Year's blog redesign complete. Dumped WordPress for Jekyll in the process. Now if only I'd actually start writing...
The weird thing is I had a WordPress theme I'd hacked together over the past few years with a blue bar across the top that had become a little too close to Facebook's look. So over the last few weeks I've been working on this, then swapped it out earlier today. A few hours later I get a flood in GReader of posts from Bret Taylor...the sort of thing that happens when you change blogging platforms. I don't think I've visited his site in over a year, but I go there today and see this -- - Ken Sheppardson
Thanks, Nathan. The anti-comment faction's pretty vocal, by the way, and can be persuasive... "Let’s be totally honest here: anyone worthwhile leaving a comment should do so on their own blog. Very few read blog comments anyway. I’m sorry, but it’s true. Commenting is a facade. It makes you think you have a voice. You don’t. Get your own blog and write how you really feel on your own site." -- - Ken Sheppardson
"We are very sad to announce that LEGO Universe will be closing on Janurary 31, 2012. This was a very difficult decision to make, but unfortunately LEGO Universe has not been able to attract the number of members needed to keep the game open. " --
This will not stand, ya know? - Ken Sheppardson
Alas... it was always destined to be a tough sell... to much WoW and not enough Minecraft - Johnny
Yeah, it's a shame to see the premise go to waste. I wish they could've done something more Star Wars/Indiana Jones/Batman like and less ... well... smashing stuff for hours on end. - Ken Sheppardson
Finally updated to reflect the fact that the only real reason for anybody to visit the site is to get pictures of their kids playing some sport. I'm no J Worthington, after all.
I have a theory that it's physiologically impossible to remain perfectly still and play "Stayin' Alive" all the way through.
HP has added "Starting at $99" and a "Notify me when product available again" link to the page. The form doesn't actually work, but hey, they added a link, right?
... it comes back with "Server is too busy" in black text on a black background. - Ken Sheppardson
Still too busy, three hours later. I wonder if its working for anyone. - Ken Sheppardson
Out of curiosity I added an HP TouchPad to my cart from the HP Small & Medium Business site. Clicked on checkout, and BAM. Makes sense for them to get out of this low-end consumer device/PC business and concentrate on the enterprise. Obviously there are enterprises out there that could use considerable help on the ecommerce front. Oh... wait...
-1 HP - .LAG liked that
I just wonder what might have been if Google rather than Facebook had bought FF. Maybe we'll read about how it went down someday in Paul or Bret's book.
My use of FriendFeed started declining shortly after the acquisition by Facebook. At the time I quit importing all my feeds except Twitter. I don't really remember what my reasoning was for leaving Twitter on...
Since then, a few of the same folks will Like a tweet from time to time, or something will get one or two comments, or when I just want to vent for more than 140 characters I'll pop over here. But I think I'll pull the plug on Twitter now, and see about shifting over to Google+ for the venting/convos for a while. We'll see what happens. - Ken Sheppardson
Enjoy. I think a lot of us here are distracted by Google+ as well. Having at least two tabs up at a time... - Spidra Webster
RT @timoreilly: RT @HackforChange: Hacking for Change: 17 Apps That Could Make a Difference #hackforchange
Taking pictures for the paper #meta @change @
Pre-game @ Tahoe Keys Resort South Lake Tahoe
What do Giants pitchers do on off days?
I honestly can't remember how we used to keep websites running without @newrelic.
I just ousted @monideck as the mayor of on @foursquare!
Having the XBox (Rockband) set up outside the Nap Room is proving to be problematic #hackforchange #sixam
Stopped in early to check out the #hackforchange situation. Folks still cranking at 6am.
Is there any sort of integration/app with some alternative UI that makes using Google Sites feel less like... y'know... using Google Sites?
I just ousted @monideck as the mayor of on @foursquare!
Noticed strangest thing this AM before first ride to work: all my bike jerseys seem to have shrunk sitting in the drawer for the past ~5yrs
Garbage collection in iOS 5 => Pogodan | MacRuby on iOS 5 - CONFIRMED!!!
RT @FoxMelinda: Ben Rattray, CEO of @change, talking at #PdF11 in the 10:30 session -- catch it live-streaming at http://per​sonaldemoc​
Job in the city + bike roadworthy again + rain stopped (finally) = rode to work for the first time in many years. Hoping it becomes habit.