Ken Sheppardson

Working on Econetic ( See also
RT @FoxMelinda: Ben Rattray, CEO of @change, talking at #PdF11 in the 10:30 session -- catch it live-streaming at http://per​sonaldemoc​
Job in the city + bike roadworthy again + rain stopped (finally) = rode to work for the first time in many years. Hoping it becomes habit.
git tips at the Ruby meetup @
You SO missed the point, @SanFranShopBuzz "More buzz for @OfficeMaxDeal RT @kshep ...14ft network cable...OfficeMax $23.99, Monoprice $2.55"
14ft Cat6 Snagless network cable - Belkin @ OfficeMax $23.99, Monoprice $2.55. I wonder why online's winning.
RT @mashable: Can 50 Hackers Help Save the World in One Day? -
RT @HackforChange: Want to hack on social good apps for $10k? Join @change and @codeforamerica - #hack4change
Fun to pick up MongoDB by immersion at #mongosf, but still can't get over people asking questions during the first slide of a presentation.
Sessions scheduled back-to-back, no time between, in two different buildings. Have to either leave early or show late. Which is PC? #mongosf
I just unlocked the "MongoDB" badge on @foursquare!
If the speaker doesn't address your question and you think it's important, save it for the end. Don't hold up the rest of us.
Really wish speakers wouldn't take questions during their talks. Save them til the end. First priority is to get out what you prepared, IMHO
If you're keeping track, today I joined the @change engineering team. I'm psyched. Great group of folks, doing something meaningful.
Wow. That's great. - Anika
Major cool. Congrats! - Meryn Stol
Sigh. "Battle: Los Angeles" (6/10 stars on IMDb) and "Battle of Los Angeles" (2/10) are two different 2011 movies about aliens attacking LA. What are the odds? I wonder how many who started watching the second were expecting the first [Raises hand]
Well that was easy... iATKOS S3 v2 and an hour or so of trial and error and I've now got a new Mac Pro. Neat.
Best thing about the Skype acquisition is it should light a fire under efforts to develop open source alternatives.
RT @abrams: Announcement: "Skype to be renamed Microsoft Windows Live Hotmail MSN Video Chat Bing"
.@joshuatopolsky has really been one of their last (only) big supporters so seeing him disappointed with the Veer just makes me sad for Palm
Tin Cup's on AMC. If only The Onion hadn't ruined it...
Jim Cramer's one of Trump's "advisors" on CE tonight. I wonder what a Trump cabinet would look Cramer as Sec Treasury? Maybe SEC...
Pulling out of the driveway, didn't see the trailer hitch sticking out from the back of the pickup truck that was overhanging the driveway. Made contact with the door, scraped back and ripped a hole in the quarter panel. Would probably cost more to repair than the value of the car. Sigh.
Oh damn. :( - Yolanda
suckage. - Jim #teamFFrank
Yeah, it may have just passed on to the "beater" stage. :-/ - Ken Sheppardson
Electron Band Structure In Germanium, My Ass -
"Abstract: The exponential dependence of resistivity on temperature in germanium is found to be a great big lie. My careful theoretical modeling and painstaking experimentation reveal 1) that my equipment is crap, as are all the available texts on the subject and 2) that this whole exercise was a complete waste of my time." - Ken Sheppardson
"Do you see the exponential dependence? I sure don't. I see a bunch of crap. Christ, this was such a waste of my time. " - Ken Sheppardson
So the motherboard on my home-built PC goes out the same day the new iMacs are announced. I think the universe is telling me something.
I just wish I could get a quad core i7 Mac Mini to use with the monitors I already have... - Ken Sheppardson
Heh. Went south again today. Same symptoms. USB devices all fail, boot takes forever. Time for a fresh install. Whether it's Windows or OSX is the only questions. - Ken Sheppardson
RT @MikeDrucker: Nice try, Mr. President, but if your birth certificate was made in 1961, WHY IS IT IN PDF FORMAT?!
"The media just doesn’t get it right. The way they sum up and simplify and encapsulate the world is inherently false."
Can't really understand why Google hasn't bought Dropbox yet. It's only a matter of time.
Pretty slick way to handle incoming assets --> "Dropbox + git = Designer Luv" -
Looks like Babies might be the new Hitler
Kevin @ Web20 Expo 2011 Moscone
RT @pahlkadot: I have figured out what @color is for. To tell you what us happening around you when you are too busy looking at your phone to know.
RT @hotdogsladies: Hey, Nerds. Come listen to us record Back to Work s01e09. Live in 5 minutes. Going senile. Anybody need déjà vu?