So the motherboard on my home-built PC goes out the same day the new iMacs are announced. I think the universe is telling me something.
I just wish I could get a quad core i7 Mac Mini to use with the monitors I already have... - Ken Sheppardson
Seal Team 6... - Johnny
Hm. Maybe my machine was part of some giant, now headless botnet run from the OBL compound. I should probably ship it off to the FBI. And place my Apple order, of course. - Ken Sheppardson
OK, not the motherboard. Just some mysterious driver issues that took half a day to resolve. Sigh. - Ken Sheppardson
Ken, buy a quad core PC...install OS X on it. Done. :) - Scoble, Alex Scoble
Or run OS X in a VM. :) - Scoble, Alex Scoble
Glad you resolved your issues though...driver issues are the worst. - Scoble, Alex Scoble
Yep, VM works best for me. Buy an Apple product just for the OS... no, but if it was for the hardware and stay in the PC-software arena, yeah, baby, yeah! Hate when a MB dies like that and you need to remember what those beeps were standing for. - Zu from AOD
Thing is, it's a Core 2 Quad and from what I've read it's probably pretty hackintoshable as it stands right now. Hm. - Ken Sheppardson
" not the motherboard. Just some mysterious driver issues that took half a day to resolve." - That's actually *more* PC-like. The universe is indeed telling you something. ;) - Meryn Stol
Plus I just, like, a week ago upgraded the SSD boot drive from a 30GB to a 60GB, but left the old 30GB in there, which I could use as the OSX drive.... - Ken Sheppardson
Heh. Went south again today. Same symptoms. USB devices all fail, boot takes forever. Time for a fresh install. Whether it's Windows or OSX is the only questions. - Ken Sheppardson