Ken Sheppardson

Working on Econetic ( See also
RT @pahlkadot: I have figured out what @color is for. To tell you what us happening around you when you are too busy looking at your phone to know.
RT @hotdogsladies: Hey, Nerds. Come listen to us record Back to Work s01e09. Live in 5 minutes. Going senile. Anybody need déjà vu?
RT @hodgman: EVERYONE: @hotdogsladies is talking about working at McDonald's RIGHT NOW.
RT @kellan: "2011 Tokyo Earthquake's Tsunami hits Santa Cruz Yacht Harbor" -
For reference, normal high tide in SF this morning was 5.4' @ 2:54AM, low is 0.7' @ 9:51AM, wave height forecasts on the order of 3'
Finally listening to @hotdogsladies and @danbenjamin record "Back to Work" ( live at Fun stuff.
Down @ Transamerica Redwood Park
Up @ Transamerica Redwood Park
Once a year or so I'm ready to switch from DirecTV to Comcast... until I try to order. Then I remember why I'm on DirecTV in the first place
I can't believe I fell for it again. Just spent 10-15 minutes trying to get past all the Triple Play special offers and put together what I actually want, then the Comcast site wouldn't take my SSN, then it wouldn't verify that my phone # could be transfered (it could 10 minutes ago), and now I'm dumped into some Live Chat queue as a requirement for signing up. I'm number 20 in the queue. Five minutes ago I was number 22. Fail. - Ken Sheppardson
Feels like Comcast's approach to maintaining cust sat is to make it so difficult to order only people who'll put up with anything get in.
Impressed by the fact that LinkedIn isn't a vendor but has a big presence at #strataconf
"AT&T iPhone Tethering" seems like a bit of an oxymoron. I carry a Sprint Overdrive to tether my iPad when there's no AT&T coverage.
The classic Minard graphic showing Napoleon's Russian campaign from @mattb talk at #strataconf
There's a bit of a support/recovery group subtext at #strataconf. "Hi, my name's Ken, and I'm a Data Scientist."
RT @MafVosburgh: Can't believe I only just thought of this: #Mubarak
If you're doing any data cleaning/analysis be sure to grab the "data exhaust" talk by @peteskomoroch when you have a chance #strataconf
Once again, if you don't drink coffee you're out of luck. Sigh. #strataconf
"@garrettwu: who's at this #strata thing?"-- Here's a list, thanks to @jsundram
In case you couldn't make it to #strataconf : "Data ... data ... data ... data ... data ... data ... data ... data ... data ... "
RT @jodymulkey: Classic! @werner "You shouldn't underestimate the bandwidth of a FedEx box" preferred way of getting TBs of data into AWS #strataconf
How 'bout a MapReduce engine that uses Amazon Mechanical Turk on the back end? #strataconf
Once again @kevinmarks is the go-to guy for following along with a tech conf via tweets. This time #strataconf
Better link - RT @kellan: "The Sensemaking Process and Leverage Points for Analyst Technology as Identified Th… (cont)
Link to PDF of "The Sense Making Process..." paper @markmadsen just recommended at #strataconf
RT @OReillyMedia: Mark your calendars. #StrataConf next in NYC, Sept. 19-21.
"How do I become a data scientist?" @ Quora #strataconf
Don't drink coffee? Sorry, you're out of luck. #strataconf
Question to ask is "How accurately do I need to understand what the truth is?" In most cases innacurate observations suffice. #strataconf
Don't buy "multiple versions of the truth" line from #strataconf There's one version of the truth, just multiple incaccurate observations.
How about "there are multiple useful ways to describe the truth, each with its own advantages and disadvantages"? - Victor Ganata
RT @kaythaney: for those following #strataconf from afar, slides and code from this morning's data bootcamp up on github: