My use of FriendFeed started declining shortly after the acquisition by Facebook. At the time I quit importing all my feeds except Twitter. I don't really remember what my reasoning was for leaving Twitter on...
Since then, a few of the same folks will Like a tweet from time to time, or something will get one or two comments, or when I just want to vent for more than 140 characters I'll pop over here. But I think I'll pull the plug on Twitter now, and see about shifting over to Google+ for the venting/convos for a while. We'll see what happens. - Ken Sheppardson
Well, I know that some folks (including myself) are more likely to interact on FF with people who are posting and commenting natively as well as importing their feeds here. So if it has seemed like a ghost town on FF for you since you left, that's likely the reason. - Spidra Webster
I'm not "quiting FriendFeed" (I still drop in and comment/Like from time to time), and this isn't some sort of slam on the service and I'm not asking everybody to look at me. It's just a note for anybody wondering why the feed stopped. I'm over on Google+ at - Ken Sheppardson
Yeah, it's not that it seemed like a ghost town, Spidra. I never really got a ton of activity on my feed anyway. Some, but not alot. And that same core group of people are really still here. It's just that I got distracted by other stuff... and now maybe I think I'll get distracted by Google+ for a while :-) - Ken Sheppardson
Enjoy. I think a lot of us here are distracted by Google+ as well. Having at least two tabs up at a time... - Spidra Webster