"[Y]ou may have heard the whispers about the new breed of monitors being sold in Korea under various brand names for astonishingly low prices. They sound almost too good to be true: expansive 27" displays at the formidable resolution of 2560x1440 selling for peanuts, between $300 and $400" --...
Got mine yesterday. After a bit of futzing with the mini Display Port to Dual Link adapter from Apple ($99) necessary to get the $317 (shipped) First FSM-270YG talking to my 27" iMac, I'm all set. Pretty much indistinguishable from the iMac screen. - Ken Sheppardson
Crazy. How's the color fidelity? - Scoble, Alex Scoble
I took a pretty quick pass through the (advanced) calibration process yesterday, and right now it's just slightly warmer than the iMac screen... but I dont' think I'd ever be able to distinguish between the two in a "blind" test (you know what I mean....) - Ken Sheppardson
Available in the US? - Scoble, Alex Scoble
They're shipping direct from Korea from a number of eBay sellers. I had absolutely no problem with mine. Clicked Buy it Now on 9/8, was setting it up on 9/12. Oddly, it was just the retail box covered in bubble wrap with a FRAGILE sticker, but it made it just fine. - Ken Sheppardson
It wouldn't recognize it was plugged in initially on the iMac, but I've been having some Thunderbolt issues with the machine. It came on instantly when I plugged it into a MacBook Air, and after that worked fine on the iMac. - Ken Sheppardson
I'll probably throw a Spyder on it and go through a full calibration over the next few days... Stay tuned if you're interested. - Ken Sheppardson
After a full calibration pass with a Spyder3Pro, I can't tell the difference between the two. - Ken Sheppardson
Is there any warranty? - rønin
The auction listing just says "Most products we sell have one year warrenty for FREE. If it has some faulty in manufacturing process, we will exchange it or fix it for FREE. and if customers make a mistake on the product and it has some faulties, we will try to fix it at the Lowest price." - Ken Sheppardson
Beyond that, I have no idea. The manual is in Korean... I think. :-) - Ken Sheppardson
It does sounds too good to be true. I wonder how the color gamut compares to a cinema display. - Rodfather
My impression/understanding is it's just the same basic panel they use in the cinemas in a cheaper package, limited inputs, limited to no controls, labels in Korean, shipped direct, no customer service (probably)... basically as close as you can get to buying the panel wholesale... - Ken Sheppardson
Here's some info for Alex, http://www.codinghorror.com/blog... If someone would kindly repost that for him, since he's blocked me and won't see this comment. - OCoG of FF, Jimminy
Wait.. I had a link in the post originally... odd : http://techreport.com/review... - Ken Sheppardson
Dell has apparently released their own line of affordable IPS's, though the resolution is maxed at 1920x1080. http://accessories.us.dell.com/sna... - OCoG of FF, Jimminy
That Dell looks pretty nifty. HDMI input and a domestic warranty/service option might be worth the compromise in resolution and price. - Ken Sheppardson
Great writeup, Ken. And which Dell? - Scoble, Alex Scoble
I've gotten totally spoiled by having 2560x1600 at work and now I really, really want it at home. Just waiting for this Korean Co., to get UL listed and properly imported at a reasonable price... - Steve and 4 other people