FFing Enigma

This is my profile. There are many like it, but this one is mine. I post a lot of random stuff. Greenville, SC. DMs welcome, or hit my GVoice 321-AKA-TINA
Discovery Channel has a video area with bunches of Dirty Jobs extras. In this one Mike Rowe works out!! squee! - http://dsc.discovery.com/videos...
He's my man crush - Steve C, Team Marina
*falls off the chair* - Derrick
Sitting at my desk, eyes slamming shut, coffee is no longer helping. Apparently sleeping on the couch does not agree with me
:( Are you able to take a nap? - Zulema ❧ spicy cocoa tart
Dark sunglasses. Works every time. - Roberto Bonini
Not really, Zulema. I'm going to step outside for a quick walk once this conference call is over and see if that helps. - FFing Enigma
That should help get the blood flowing and maybe the fresh air will perk you up :) - Zulema ❧ spicy cocoa tart
I fell asleep on the couch last night. Dave left me there. I can't decide if he's sweet for letting me sleep or a butt for letting me sleep on the couch the whole night.
Both. - Johnny
Oh no, leaving you there all alone is a mortal sin - just ask Pete! - wensleydalelass
Waffle time = NOW.
Dave to me last night: "This Alanis Morissette song is old enough to vote!" Me to Dave: "Not quite, but at 16 it's definitely old enough to complain about how much it sucks to listen to such an old song."
Do anybody no why the fan on this toshiba POS turns on EVERY FRIGGIN 10 SECONDS? Grrrrrr.....
That's its love language. - Micah
Yeah, it's going to get a scrubbing and general overhaul. Even if our tech guy did clean it up, it's still a pre-owned which means you never know what's hanging around... - FFing Enigma
Dear asiago: don't tell Dave, but the answer is YES I'll run away with you!
PS: we have to bring the onion and chive cream cheese with us or it's no deal - FFing Enigma
Just received my new-to-me laptop for work. Had to have it since I'm traveling next week but am not thrilled about it since it means work is now officially portable =/ With that said: IT'S CROWDSOURCING TIME!! I need your best FREE file mgmnt system to sync files between my desktop and the lappie. Docs only, not worried about email. GO
Sugarsync. - SAM
SAM, Dropbox does have selective folders for sync now https://www.dropbox.com/help... . Users can treat their Dropbox folder as the root for all their data and select subdirectories within as designated to be backed up. - Micah
Sweet Leaf mint and honey green tea is pretty much perfect *slurp*
Lunch: lemon pepper chicken, leaf spinach, and asiago on whole wheat with mayo and honey mustard, bosc pear, crackers with garlic/herb cream cheese, and mint green tea. It sounds awesome, but apparently I'm still sick and can't really taste it (and am in fact not actuallly hungry).
Hope ya get feeling better. - Brent - Yes I am
It sounds like things are improving, at least. - John (bird whisperer)
Holiday meal consumed 3 hours ago. Meatloaf, mashed potatoes, glazed carrots, fried cabbage, and angel food cake with stawberries. I'm still so full that I run the risk of losing it all at practice =(
Dang, Tina! - Derrick
What holiday is this meal for? - Anika
Valentines day is one of the three meatloaf holidays in my family. Mom made the heart shaped meatloaves (yes, there were more than one!) and I made the rest. Except the cake, I bought that. - FFing Enigma
Ah...okay. - Anika
Tomorrow is Valentines Day, wich means one thing in my family: HEART SHAPED MEATLOAF! You're only laughing because you've never had my mother's meatloaf.
I sent flowers to mah sweetie. She has to work tomorrow, but we ARE going on a cruise in two weeks so I'm ok with just sending flowers. :) - Gunneh's Holding On
Scrimmaged last night. Had committed to going 2 weeks ago and figured I was mostly well so I might as well sweat out the last of the plague. Except for wanting to puke the first 20 minutes it was all good until I did something funny to my knee during cool down laps. Now it's a little swollen and feels kind of numb. Weirdness!
Survive! - Mike Nayyar
I'll be ok, just gotta figure out what I pulled/tweaked/strained to result in vague numbness. - FFing Enigma
Ice and Advil!! - Rachel Lea Fox
Bootights Fishnet Tights with Attached Comfort Ankle Socks at BareNecessities.com - http://www.barenecessities.com/bootigh...
Fishnets with socks ATTACHED? A roller girl's dream come true! $30 a pop for something that would last 3 months tops means I'm not likely to participate: 'tis much more cost effective to buy $30 worth of tights and socks in combination so that when one blows out I have backups... - FFing Enigma
Niiiiiiice. - Penguin Sparkles
Lunch: 2 buttered biscuits with honey. And a glass of chocolate milk.
It was quite lovely. Will have to go back and forage for more once the 2:30 conference call is done. - FFing Enigma
Woke up mostly human AND hungry today. Woohoo! The goal then is to make it thorugh to lunchtime at the office today. We'll see how it goes.
Imma need it! I've reached the point where I feel pretty ok until I have to medicate every 4 hours, but when I lie down to sleep my lungs crawl out of my chest thorugh my throat =( - FFing Enigma
Top o' th' mornin' to ya, kiddo! - LB's FF Hubby
Ugh... It's apparently been 4 hours since I took any medicine; I can tell because the bridge of my nose is throbbing and feels like it's about to explode off my face.
the cold gives you superpowers - Michael W. May
When in doubt, you may call me Daisy. Or !Bob
Yup! I still have flashbacks to when I was 12 with short hair and got called 'young man' a lot. Crazy people! - FFing Enigma
There was about a year when my brother (3 yrs younger than me) and I looked *identical* and I got called Nathan a whole lot. I was pretty funny to see people's faces when they realized their mistake. - Kirsten loves you
I call Waif, "Bob". We occasionally get stares when we're out - MoTO Boychick Devil
There's a reason I go by 'Tina': so far as I can tell I'm the only person in the US with my actual first name. And three Es in my French middle name. Every year I could tell when the teacher got to my name on the roll, there was always a pause and a head tilt.
HA! I got that one, too! - Anika
And every year I would say "Just call me Tina" to avoid the mangling my moniker would no doubt receive. - FFing Enigma
Dear FB: if I take myself offline for chat EVERY time I log in, why don't you get the picture and LEAVE ME OFFLINE? Grrr....
FB is needy. - Big Joe Silenced
This has about a 10% chance of being right...but you may want to check if you're signed in on another computer. You can go to the same page for https:// status to see any computers with an active connection. - LB's FF Hubby
I only log in from 2 computers and specifically log out of them when done. But now that you mention it, I think it's because of my phone. Stupid stupid FB =/ - FFing Enigma
Yesterday I felt normal (temperature wise), and the thermometer read 96. Today I'm feeling warm, take my temp, and it's 98. Apparently I run cold for a human.
My "normal" is consistently below 98.6. - John (bird whisperer)
I did not know that. /JohnnyCarson - Spidra Webster
Went to work and am now back home: my steam ran out and it was obvious to everyone (myself included). Now I'm sitting in my chair thinking about lunch: I'm a little tired of soft food. I might be brave and make a grilled cheese sammich...
Operation Grilled Cheese has started! Whole wheat bread with asiago, mozzerella, and american cheese (I like 'em melty dammit!) with cracked black pepper, garlic powder, and some onion slices. OMNOMNOMNOM! - FFing Enigma
Normally I add a few slices of avocado and some shaved turkey, but I worked with what I had on hand. Twas tasty! - FFing Enigma
I woke up this morning and didn't feel inhuman! That's always my test for when I'm getting better: how do I feel after 8 hours with no medicine. I may go in to work for a few hours this moring. Or not. I have 10 minutes to decide...
4 minutes. - Mike Nencetti
I always feel worse in the afternoon when I'm recovering, so you could go in for half a day and give yourself the option of coming home if you run out of energy or feel worse. - Trish R
I came in. Sat down in my boss's office and said I'm here until I can't be any more. - FFing Enigma
Alright, I'm fading fast. Going to see if I can make it another 15 minutes (I have a report that runs every day at 11a) and then I'm out. - FFing Enigma
I feel a nap sneaking up on me.
I want these, and thought Penguin might like 'em too - http://www.discountdance.com/dancewe...
YES. They kept showing up in my shopping cart whenever I went to the site, but I'd never put them there. I thought it might be a sign, but haven't splurged on them yet. Get them! - Penguin Sparkles
I've kinda debated about trying the tights ice skaters use that go over the skates. They'd last one game at best (hits = falls = instant holes in tights) but I think they'd look awesome! - FFing Enigma
Derby league is hosting a skate party as a fundraiser on 2/21. One of our newer skaters just posted this about it on FB "Bring yo' kids, bring yo' wife, and bring yo' husband 'cause we skatin' with e'rbody up in here!!" I <3 my derby family. Also: work can suckit since I will be out of town for this event =(
I am a good cook, yet I always manage to Eff up instant mashed potatoes.
lol that's not cooking, so you're fine :) - sofarsoShawn
FF is home of the punning clan my friend. - FFing Enigma
Dave made a pot of chili last Thursday. Guess who's home sick and got to try to clean up the kitchen almost a week later... Alls I know is the fact that he brought me soup for lunch yesterday does not make up for this.
Do you nap when you're sick? I took a nap or two yesterday and couldn't sleep worth a darn last night.
I just sleep and don't get up so i'm not sure if that counts as napping - Steve C, Team Marina
Same here. Even if I need the nap, it still kills the night time sleeping. I just can't do both. - Just Mrs. V
Dear world: yes, I am sick. No, I have not been to the doctor and do not intend on going. Odds are good I have a viral infection and getting on anti-biotics will do exactly jack crap for that. My experience shows that rest, hydration, and OTCs for symptons have an extremely high success.
Preach it. - Alex Scrivener
Alix, some doctors are very reluctant to hand out antibiotics, while others hand them out like candy. My experience is that I usually end up with a secondary infection, i.e. a bacterial sinus infection when I get sick, so the antibiotic almost always helps. - Jeff P. Henderson
I made a full pot of coffee when I woke up this morning, and then I took a 3 hour long surprise nap. Managed to get most of the coffee into the Thermos after the fact so it'll stay warm and drinkable for the rest of the day. #TheSickLife
Lunch course 1: two pudding cups. I will follow this up with some chocolate milk and possibly some cottage cheese. #TheSickLife