FFing Enigma

This is my profile. There are many like it, but this one is mine. I post a lot of random stuff. Greenville, SC. DMs welcome, or hit my GVoice 321-AKA-TINA
Shopping On The Web – Think Before You Purchase - http://reallifevirtualworld.com/shoppin...
People nowadays frequently don’t leave the house to visit shopping. With a mug of java in hands, they basically get ready their cozy chair and laptop their method to shopping lands near and. This has turned into a extremely popular method to shop, especially throughout getaways, for birthday celebrations and wedding anniversaries, or when creating [...] - FFing Enigma
ONLINE SHOPPING ITS GREAT! - http://reallifevirtualworld.com/online-...
Everyone likes to go for shopping and get a reasonable deal but it is not always possible due to lack of time, then you can go for the online shopping sites and avail great discounts and bargains on the deal as save time and energy.  Online shopping is the process by which consumers directly buy [...] - FFing Enigma
Did her web site domain get appropriated? - Eric @ CS Techcast
What the?? - Micah
A GREAT WAY TO SHOP ONLINE - http://reallifevirtualworld.com/a-great...
Online shopping is the process by which consumers directly buy goods or services from a seller through internet with the help of online services, e-shop, e-store, internet shop, web shop, web store, online store this is it can be done within no time and also at the comfort of own home or office, there are [...] - FFing Enigma
Mostrar tela Muestra de Comercio - http://reallifevirtualworld.com/mostrar...
Exhibiciones de la demostración de tela de comercio están ahora disponibles como avanzadas pantallas pop-up. También son cada vez más conocida como la tela mural de pantallas pop-up. Este tipo especial de pantalla de feria ha sido uno de los impresionantes avances en la tecnología de pantalla de feria. Las pantallas de tela de comercio [...] - FFing Enigma
ONLINE SHOPPING ITS GREAT! - http://reallifevirtualworld.com/online-...
Everyone likes to go for shopping and get a reasonable deal but it is not always possible due to lack of time, then you can go for the online shopping sites and avail great discounts and bargains on the deal … Continue reading → - FFing Enigma
A Great Way To Shop Online - http://reallifevirtualworld.com/a-great...
Online shopping is the process by which consumers directly buy goods or services from a seller through internet with the help of online services, e-shop, e-store, internet shop, web shop, web store, online store this is it can be done … Continue reading → - FFing Enigma
What are the benefits through online shopping? - http://reallifevirtualworld.com/what-ar...
People around the world today are technology dependent, and one such technology dependency is the internet. Internet came into existence into late 80′s; it was first used by the military officials in the United States, for sending and receiving mails … Continue reading → - FFing Enigma
Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging! - FFing Enigma
If you need to ask that question ... - Steven Perez
That's gonna be a rockin' show. - Derrick
Prince is at the top of the list of concerts I really want to see. - Alan
I'm wearing a bag of ice on my shoulder much like one would a parrot. Perhaps I'll draw a face on the bag and name it Polly.
Polly want a cracker? I'm currently wearing a brace on my shoulder we can double date. - Steve C, Team Marina
Thanks for those links, Steve. I looked at Amazon but thought I'd find something local, but no luck. - Anika
I'm in ur workplace stealin' ur ice cubes! Actually, I'm in *MY* workplace stealing the ice cubes, but whatever... The team's sports medicine guy finally called me back (almost 2 DAYS after I left him a message, grrrr!!!) and he strongly recommends consistant icing during all waking hours (yes, the standard 20-30 on then 20-30 off).
Tonight's sleep brought to you by an Icy Hot patch and a heated mattress pad. Oh yeah!!! </koolaid guy>
FUCK YEAH FFING ENIGMA - http://fuckyeahnouns.com/FFing%2...
The confusion fits I 'spose... - FFing Enigma
Interestingly, this picture makes me want to not sleep. Ever. AGAIN. - FFing Enigma
<shatner> Coffee cup. Too heavy. Must switch. HANDS. </shatner> See, I TOLD YOU my pain was hilarious!
Tonight's laugh from me to you - Imagine holding a bag of ice on your shoulder when you can't lift your arm above shoulder height. Now imagine trying to wrap an Ace bandage around your shoulder to hold the bag of ice on, but only with one functioning arm.
Finally: imagine that the only way to keep the ice on said shoulder is to painfully weasel your way into the tightest shirt you have and then shove the ice inside. Oh, and by the way, this is when you realize you need to go to the store.... - FFing Enigma
:(( - Katy S
I just popped the top on a can of fruit cocktail and the cats are not amused at the lack of wet cat food. I will be lucky if they don't kill me in my sleep for the confusion I've called them.
Cauased them, that is. I blame my poor typing on the collar bone. - FFing Enigma
That makes two of us! Actually I'm pretty sure it's 20+ of us if I count Dave and the rest of the team (since we have a bout on the 19th). Oh, and in case anyone is wondering: tropical fruit cocktail packed in pineapple and passion fruit juice is WAY better than wet cat food!!! - FFing Enigma
Since I'm not checking a bag for the trip I decided against taking my skates: too bulky and too heavy. To make up for missing 6 hours practice before the 2/26 game I've decided to head over to the local community center which has drop-in passes for non-members. $5 a day for weight and cardio, and $5 a session for group classes.
I can do cardio and possibly weights at the hotel, but am intrigued by the group classes. The ones I'm eyeballing are Monday night Bodyshaper, Wednesday night Pilates, and Thursday night yoga. Maybe I can steal (er.... LEARN) some new exercises to bring home to the team!! - FFing Enigma
Was going to go to the library today to get a book or 5 to take with me on the trip. Apparently they don't open until 2p on Sundays. BOO!
Because I like books. The physicality of them, I mean. There's something about eating breakfast and drinking coffee and reading a book in a strange city that isn't the same when you replace "book" with "electronic device". Dunno why. - FFing Enigma
Alright, operation "Squeeze An Elephant Into A Handbag" is complete. My 14 x 9 x 22 carryon is stuffed with 2 pairs of shoes, a winter coat, 5 pairs of pants, 4 sweaters, 2 sets of workout clothes, and various socks and undies. I'm off an inch on two dimensions but I think I'll squeeze by. Remember the days of the garmet bag? Miss those...
Am I being overly optomistic trying to fit a 5.5 day trip into a carryon? The plan is to buy shampoo and toothpaste there, it'll be cheaper than the checked baggage fee.
You also get a personal item. So takea really big purse. - chrisofspades #FForever.
Because I used to work for a courier company that delivered lost luggage for all the airlines, I don't believe in checked baggage. Cotton knits and ziplock bags are your friend. Seal everything up in them and squish all the air out of them so it takes up a lot less space. Pack a small travel steamer. - April Russo (FForever!)
High in KC tomorrow: 70. High on Monday? 39 =/
Sounds like the usual weather here to me. Nice one day cold the next. Sometimes it happens all on the same day. - Brian
ToDo list before I fly out: laundry, pack, go buy some socks (do they make any that say TSA SUX on the toes?), clean the litter box, go grocery shopping so Dave has available food, have a wonderful dinner with my family, and make a double batch of spaghetti sauce so Dave has food already prepared while I'm gone.
That last one was his idea, not mine. - FFing Enigma
Am procrastinating by searching for places in KC and adding them to my Google Map for the trip. Just added Fluffy Fresh Doughnuts. I see this as pure win.
Have also added Scooter's Coffee House. So far I've got doughnuts, coffee, BBQ, Target, grocery store, and skating rinks. Anything else I should look up while I'm there? OH WAIT! BEER! - FFing Enigma
ALRIGHT! Have found a place called Old Chicago that's supposed to have a good beer list and great pizza. I think I might be set! - FFing Enigma
Going through all the stuff I brought home from work to take on the trip. Super wireless mouse and receiver? Check. Pens and post its? Check. Crackers and stash of dum-dums? Check. Power supply for laptop? Fuck! Off to the office I go... =/
:( - Jenny
Dear $3.49 premade salad from Publix: you are quite tasty, and pair nicely with the bottle of Robust Italian and li'l bag of bacon bits I bought. Noms!
And FWIW, a tablespoon of bacon bits is a laughable serving size. - FFing Enigma
Tminus 50 hours till I'm off to the airport to head to Kansas City. Which of course means the to-do list has grown to disturbingly huge proportions =/
*sings* I'm goin' to Kansas City, Kansas City, here I come/Yes, goin' to Kansas City, Kansas City, here I come/...They got a crazy way a-lovin' an' a I wanna get me some..." *curtsies* Have fun! - Anika
I'm hoping so! I've spent my down moments at work making a Google map that will get me from the hotel to wherever I might need to roam next week: good barbeque, coffee, the nearest Target, a decent skating rink. Still undecided on taking my skates... - FFing Enigma
One of the skating rinks I used to go when I was a kid was in Overland Park. It was nice. I wonder if it's still there. - Anika
Dave: I'm going to de-crapitate my air filter. Me: Do you have a de-crapitator? Dave: Yes. A saws-all. Me: Yup, that would qualify.
Nothing is as much fun as being asked to join a conference call at 5:15p. NOTHING.
I do not think the word "fun" mean what you think it means in this sentence. :^) - Friar Will
Being told you better grab something to eat at the same time..it's may be a long one. :-) - John D Reasor
Discovery Channel has a video area with bunches of Dirty Jobs extras. In this one Mike Rowe works out!! squee! - http://dsc.discovery.com/videos...
He's my man crush - Steve C, Team Marina
*falls off the chair* - Derrick
Sitting at my desk, eyes slamming shut, coffee is no longer helping. Apparently sleeping on the couch does not agree with me
:( Are you able to take a nap? - Zulema ❧ spicy cocoa tart
Dark sunglasses. Works every time. - Roberto Bonini
Not really, Zulema. I'm going to step outside for a quick walk once this conference call is over and see if that helps. - FFing Enigma
That should help get the blood flowing and maybe the fresh air will perk you up :) - Zulema ❧ spicy cocoa tart