Tonight's laugh from me to you - Imagine holding a bag of ice on your shoulder when you can't lift your arm above shoulder height. Now imagine trying to wrap an Ace bandage around your shoulder to hold the bag of ice on, but only with one functioning arm.
Finally: imagine that the only way to keep the ice on said shoulder is to painfully weasel your way into the tightest shirt you have and then shove the ice inside. Oh, and by the way, this is when you realize you need to go to the store.... - FFing Enigma
No frowny faces ya'll, this is hilarious and you know it! - FFing Enigma
SO CONFLICTED - Big Joe Silenced
I command you to laugh at my pain! - FFing Enigma
Ha ha ha! Don't hurt me. Ha ha ha! - Kevin L
I can only hurt you if you're on my right side for the next couple of days =/ - FFing Enigma
:(( - Katy S