I just popped the top on a can of fruit cocktail and the cats are not amused at the lack of wet cat food. I will be lucky if they don't kill me in my sleep for the confusion I've called them.
Cauased them, that is. I blame my poor typing on the collar bone. - FFing Enigma
I wind up getting a typo when I'm trying to correct a typo? Screw it! =/ - FFing Enigma
collar bone? i missed something. - Big Joe Silenced
I managed to bruise my collarbone during a scrimmage Sunday. Got it xrayed today to make sure all my bits are unborked. - FFing Enigma
glad it's not a break or dislocation! - Big Joe Silenced
That makes two of us! Actually I'm pretty sure it's 20+ of us if I count Dave and the rest of the team (since we have a bout on the 19th). Oh, and in case anyone is wondering: tropical fruit cocktail packed in pineapple and passion fruit juice is WAY better than wet cat food!!! - FFing Enigma