Am I being overly optomistic trying to fit a 5.5 day trip into a carryon? The plan is to buy shampoo and toothpaste there, it'll be cheaper than the checked baggage fee.
You also get a personal item. So takea really big purse. - chrisofspades #FForever.
my CPAP machine flys free, the case for it generally carries other things in addition to my machine. - Big Joe Silenced
Depends on the nature of the trip. If you're going skiing, I'd say you're a tad optimistic. - Eivind
My personal item is the backpack for my laptop (the purse gets packed just like shoes), so I'll be able to fit a fair bit there. My main concern is the weather I don't know if there's room to pack a coat for 30ish highs (and I don't want to wear it there since it's highs in the 70s when I'm travelling) - FFing Enigma
Check out Lots of tips there. - Ha3rvey (Free hugs)
well you can always take one of those travel jackets and kill two birds with one coat - - chrisofspades #FForever.
Or you could fly Southwest. No fees for first 2 bags. :) - LB's FF Hubby
You can do it! I took a carryon for a 10 day trip to London - Tamara, #TeamMarina
I travel with one carry-on bag and my laptop bag for all of my work trips. It can definitely be done. - Ha3rvey (Free hugs)
Because I used to work for a courier company that delivered lost luggage for all the airlines, I don't believe in checked baggage. Cotton knits and ziplock bags are your friend. Seal everything up in them and squish all the air out of them so it takes up a lot less space. Pack a small travel steamer. - April Russo (FForever!)