Tminus 50 hours till I'm off to the airport to head to Kansas City. Which of course means the to-do list has grown to disturbingly huge proportions =/
*sings* I'm goin' to Kansas City, Kansas City, here I come/Yes, goin' to Kansas City, Kansas City, here I come/...They got a crazy way a-lovin' an' a I wanna get me some..." *curtsies* Have fun! - Anika
I'm hoping so! I've spent my down moments at work making a Google map that will get me from the hotel to wherever I might need to roam next week: good barbeque, coffee, the nearest Target, a decent skating rink. Still undecided on taking my skates... - FFing Enigma
One of the skating rinks I used to go when I was a kid was in Overland Park. It was nice. I wonder if it's still there. - Anika